Light fires in the darkness for Scotland
Posted: Tuesday, 26 August 2008 |

The Scottish Government cabinet convened in Skye this morning, followed by an audience with a range of representatives and other members of the local community.
Scotland's First Minister, Alex Salmond, opened up the meeting with an overview of the potential benefits of independence in terms of broadcasting, renewables, tax, enterprise, public finance, innovation and creativity to name but a few.
The First Minister and his five cabinet secretaries answered questions from the 120 strong audience, and then invited further dialogue over lunch. This was no black tie dinner for the chosen few - this was democracy at its best - accessible, accountable and transparent.
No ministers being hussled off high stages and swept away in black limos when the going gets tough. Just a stand about buffet lunch with our elected leaders, asking what solutions we might have to previously insoluble questions. No promises (to be so easily broken), just genuine interest in people and a willingness to listen and learn.
Guess how I'll be voting in a referendum for independence. This isn't about 'tearing' ourselves out of the UK, this is truly about self determination, the will to stand on our own feet and the chance to make a difference.
Another quote that I like, this time from Charles Handy. "We cannot wait for great visions from great people, for they are in short supply at the end of history. It is up to us to light our own small fires in the darkness". Scotland can do it - make it happen!
Posted on Fudging it at 22:54
Sorry , I can't reconcile two of your statements ;"An audience with a range of representatives and other members of the local community," and "This was no black tie event for the chosen few." Given that there were but 120 people to represent the whole of Skye and the North west of Scotland somebody must have chosen them. Not everyone from the area could have turned up and expected an invite to lunch. Don't get me wrong I believe that taking the cabinet around the regions is a good idea,It allows some of us to see our elected administrators in action but it is not democracy itself. I believe that a referendum is necessary to determine the future of Scotland but my gut feeling is that at present the Union would win by a small margin.
Hyperborean from a soap box
You are right, there was an invited audience of community interests, but there was also an opportunity for 'other members fo the local community' to attend via an advert in the local newspaper (which is why I was there). It's the accessibilty of government (to all of Scotland) that appeals to me, because that is the biggest change that I have seen since the new administration took up residence in Holyrood.
SkyeFudge from Isle of Skye
How the demographic of IB has changed. A nationalist/unionist debate would have sparked a lively correspondence not so long back. Stand up and be counted.
Hyper-Borean from The Demos
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