Posted: Tuesday, 19 July 2005 |
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I don't know if it was an urban myth (or maybe a rural one) but I heard that the reason it was so expensive to fly internally in Scotland was because of all the military no-fly zones meant it was impossible to fly from A to B in a straight line.
Certainly it was true that the Ministry Of Defence thought that windfarms would

interfere with their radar and other listening devices and had a blanket ban on them being built within a certain distance from military installations. So good news -
if your a fan of renewables - with today's announcement that the MoD have moved to allow wind turbines within 17.5km of its seismic detection station at Eskdalemuir, in Dumfries and Galloway.
Full story
Good news?
Posted on I.B.H.Q. at 09:27
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