Next few days
Posted: Wednesday, 21 March 2007 |
So Thursdays will just be like halfday closing in Stromness....well, we're used to that hereabouts!
Flying Cat from The Pierheid
Thursday was a lock down day. Friday: oh well, let's hope it's just the back log,and that IBHQ has not taken to erasing Friday messages en masse in order to get up to speed (just kidding in a disgruntled manner, folks!).
mjc from NM,USA
Patience is my middle name. Ahm sure it ain't me first!! (the Irish Brothers who taught me English can't trace me, thank heavens, or it would be penance without the benefit of absolution!).
mjc from NM,USA
I dont reckon much to your trusty colleagues Anne. I would review your Christams card list if I were you. Nothing happened on Friday afternoon to add any postings for the weekend. It has caused havoc with Fank arrangements as you can see....
calumannabel from wondering if itv do an island blog
Several days later....when the cat's away, trusty colleagues will take a sabbatical...ib has virtually ground to a halt. Second class bloggers? I wish! Gurrrr.
Flying Cat from in a fluff
TWS leaves us with a cliff hanger on Thursday and since then no updates please put us out of our wondering and upgrade us soon.
Barebraes from Shapinsay
I nearly strangled my neighbor's cat, but then realized in the nick of time that it had nothing to do with IBHQ. Blog rage, is that what it's called? You press "submit" and, rather than submitting instanto, IBHQ gives a blank stare, while the sign says "connecting" for a full five minutes. I gave up and went back to ordering from Faster, for sure. Sorry whoever might be the blogger who did not get the full blast of my discontent: I mean, if you are going to make a dig at, say - Stromness Dragon Lady - all the fun is drained out if you have to wait till doomsday!! You could put up a roof, and even jump from it, in the time .... Oh well, are you coming back Anne dear?
mjc from NM,USA