Sitcom written by and starring Sanjeev Kohli and Donald McLeary, set in a Glasgow corner shop
Radio 4,路14 episodes
The Pump Rubicon
Comedy set in a Scots-Asian corner shop. Written by Sanjeev Kohli and Donald Mcleary.
Ep2: Grumpy-Pumpy Doo-Dah McGraw
Comedy set in a Scots-Asian corner shop. Written by Sanjeev Kohli and Donald McLeary.
Priesty Weisty Hooversy Stairsy
1. Racismpallooza
2. Jeff Capes Five Egger
3. Full Five Pencil Belter
4. Florence Flouncingtons who lives in Flouncingtons Quadrant on the Flouncingtons Estate
Episode 1
Ramesh is coining it in after the Lenzie House Of Wax proves to be a hit.
Episode 2
Ramesh is jealous after Malcolm gets close to Lenzie's new trendy butcher.
Episode 3
Dave introduces his new girlfriend Margot, but not everyone is convinced.
Episode 4
Ramesh and Malcolm鈥檚 wedding day plans manage to upset a few people.