Matthew Sweet examines philosophical problems with a live audience in a pub
Radio 4,路23 episodes
Matthew Sweet examines knotty philosophical conundrums in an abstract pub.
27 Feb 2017,路28 mins
Cake or Biscuit?
Is a Jaffa Cake a cake or a biscuit? One for the pub with both beer and philosophy.
20 Feb 2017,路28 mins
What's wrong with hypocrisy? A question for everyone's favourite abstract pub.
13 Feb 2017,路28 mins
Future People
The Philosopher's Arms asks what sort of people should we bring into the world.
28 Dec 2015,路28 mins
Hate Speech
The Philosopher's Arms asks whether speech can harm.
21 Dec 2015,路28 mins
Weakness of Will
The Philosopher's Arms asks how we can want and not want a cream cake.
14 Dec 2015,路28 mins
Lying and Misleading
Matthew Sweet asks if there is a moral difference between lying and misleading.
07 Dec 2015,路28 mins
Matthew Sweet asks, should we take a pill to make us less racist?
08 Sep 2014,路28 mins
How should you decide between two morally troubling courses of action?
15 Sep 2014,路28 mins
Matthew Sweet asks what justifies our belief the sun will rise tomorrow.
22 Sep 2014,路28 mins
Sex Equality
Matthew Sweet and philosopher Janet Radcliffe Richards explore sex equality and pay.
29 Sep 2014,路28 mins
Free Riders
Pints and philosophical puzzles with Matthew Sweet, discussing free riding and tiny harms.
30 Jul 2013,路28 mins
Pints and philosophical problems with Matthew Sweet - what is exploitation?
06 Aug 2013,路28 mins
Free Will
Pints and philosophical puzzles with Matthew Sweet. Do we have free will?
13 Aug 2013,路28 mins
Moral Blame
Matthew Sweet and philosopher Miranda Fricker look at historic wrongs.
20 Aug 2013,路28 mins
Theseus' Ship
Matthew Sweet encounters a problem that affects Man City, criminal trials and the Drifters
07 Aug 2012,路28 mins
What Makes a Fake a Fake?
Matthew Sweet discovers his favourite painting is a forgery. But does it really matter?
14 Aug 2012,路28 mins
Sorites' Heap
Matthew Sweet asks: When exactly does a balding man become bald?
21 Aug 2012,路30 mins
Morality and the Law
Matthew Sweet wonders if we have any moral reason to obey the law.
28 Aug 2012,路30 mins
The Experience Machine
Should Matthew Sweet plug into a machine that grants a happy but illusory life?
06 Sep 2011,路30 mins
A Robot Daughter
Matthew Sweet discovers his daughter is a robot. Should this change how he treats her?
13 Sep 2011,路28 mins
The Ultimatum Game
Matthew ponders the human capacity for greed and altruism. With Kin Binmore.
20 Sep 2011,路28 mins
Moral Disgust
Sitting in a pub, Matthew Sweet discovers how real life is full of philosophical problems.
27 Sep 2011,路28 mins