Francine Stock's history of the alluring yet elusive quality that is charisma
Radio 4,路12 episodes
Episode 1
Francine Stock's history of the alluring yet elusive quality that is charisma.
Episode 2
The contemporary paradox of charisma in banking, Christianity and beyond.
The charisma of humility and service in Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama.
The historical ideas that influenced the Third Reich and Hitler's 'dark charisma'.
Francine Stock explores charismatic leaders, from Kellogg and Ford to Jobs and Restone.
Francine Stock explores Sarah Bernhardt and the beginnings of celebrity.
Francine Stock explores charismatic leadership, from Giuseppe Garibaldi to Osama Bin Laden
Francine Stock explores Franz Mesmer and the charismatic healing power of suggestibility.
Francine Stock explores the 'royal touch' as practised by Elizabeth I and our royals today
Francine Stock explores the divine grace of medieval mystics Margery Kempe and Joan of Arc
Francine Stock on the alluring yet elusive quality of charisma, historically and today.