Arts series
Radio 4,路13 episodes
The art of Tom谩s Saraceno who makes sculptures and music with spiders and their webs
26 Nov 2018,路28 mins
Cheryl Strayed, Ocean Vuong and Sharon Olds spend some time in Emily Dickinson's bedroom
25 Nov 2018,路28 mins
Turning base metal into musical gold - swordsmiths and Dead Rats!
19 Nov 2018,路28 mins
Amber Butchart talks to embroidery artists about their complex, political, dynamic artwork
15 Nov 2018,路28 mins
Bells made by artist Peter Shenai from Hurricane Katrina data are rung in New Orleans.
13 Nov 2018,路28 mins
Underwater artists who paint, sculpt and dance beneath the sea.
12 Nov 2018,路28 mins
Louise Morris explores the growing interest in ephemeral art - witnessed but not kept.
28 Jun 2018,路30 mins
In search of the musicality and sonic landscape of Virginia Woolf's world.
21 Jun 2018,路28 mins
Colombian-born artist Alison Turnbull explores butterflies in the Pacific rainforest.
18 Jun 2018,路28 mins
Two poets and a composer take to the skies over Bristol in a balloon full of hot air.
11 Jun 2018,路30 mins
Composer Sarah Angliss explores our deep-seated fascination with the echo.
10 Jun 2018,路30 mins
Illuminated snails dancing, sculpted volcanoes and music playing for 1,000 years.
07 Jun 2018,路30 mins
Creating dance to poems inspires two choreographers in very different ways.
03 Jun 2018,路30 mins