Christian theology and hypothesis. Which beliefs unite the Christians?
World Service,路9 episodes
First broadcast in 1989. A discussion on his life
16 Jan 1989,路28 mins
First broadcast in 1989. Are the Ten Commandments the ideal yard stick to assess sin?
23 Jan 1989,路28 mins
First broadcast in 1989. Exploring the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Is the six day account of creation true and literal?
21 Oct 1997,路27 mins
Mary is a central figure in Christianity and is one of few women celebrated
First broadcast in 1997. Jesus is seen as both human and divine
30 Oct 1997,路28 mins
First broadcast in 1997.Examining the account of Jesus's death and resurrection
30 Oct 1997,路29 mins
First broadcast in 1997. What is the Holy Spirit? How does it present itself today?
13 Nov 1997,路27 mins
First broadcast in 1997. Exploring life after death
12 Dec 1997,路27 mins