Scientists and thinkers talk about the impact of science on society
World Service,路154 episodes
What happens when medical research is prematurely published?
30 Oct 1995,路4 mins
Information overload, self censorship and the regulation of harmful material
07 May 1996,路4 mins
A discussion on human cloning, IVF treatment and same sex parenting
20 Jun 1996,路4 mins
Should patients know if they are taking part in a randomised, clinical trial?
18 Apr 1997,路4 mins
The fallibility of science press headlines and its focus on sensationalist stories
21 Apr 1997,路4 mins
Debate on the dynamics of scientific research
25 Apr 1997,路4 mins
The advantages and uses of nuclear fusion power in the energy industry
01 May 1997,路4 mins
The scientific laws are 'map' of all of reality to the edge of the universe
11 May 1997,路4 mins
How to make decisions about how money and resources are used in medical treatment
20 May 1997,路4 mins
A 'bio-friendly' universe has the necessary conditions to create life
23 May 1997,路4 mins
Sex discrimination, nepotism and bias means women's achievements are overlooked
05 Jun 1997,路4 mins
The experience forensic scientists need to appear in court as expert witnesses
06 Jun 1997,路4 mins
The advantages of pleasure as a form of stress relief and the health benefits of it
18 Jun 1997,路3 mins
Genes give us a blueprint, while our environment moulds how that blueprint turns out
27 Jun 1997,路3 mins
Examining the lack of understanding surrounding DNA and genes
29 Jun 1997,路3 mins
Is the internet a reliable source for medical information?
06 Jul 1997,路3 mins
The continuing role of the Royal Greenwich Observatory in astronomy and time-keeping
11 Jul 1997,路3 mins
How radiation levels and lack of gravity affects human beings
17 Jul 1997,路3 mins
A doctor's view on the impact of non-lethal disabling weapons such as sticky foam
24 Jul 1997,路3 mins
Discussion about the use of technology in the fight against pollution and global warming
01 Aug 1997,路4 mins
Could lunar hotels and spherical swimming pools be the future of space travel?
07 Aug 1997,路4 mins
The rejection of cannibalism signalled the beginning of culture in society
14 Aug 1997,路4 mins
How can we manage ocean ecosystems responsibly?
21 Aug 1997,路4 mins
The best way to protect a species' purity is to protect its habitat
28 Aug 1997,路4 mins
Information and misinformation in the realm of animal testing
06 Sep 1997,路4 mins
The effects of sleep disturbance on night shift workers - and how risks can be minimised
20 Sep 1997,路4 mins
How DNA, genes and biological determinism interact to make us who we are
23 Sep 1997,路4 mins
Prevention strategies, screening, and selective and cost-effective treatments for cancer
25 Sep 1997,路4 mins
Monitoring and reducing CO2 emissions in the UK
02 Oct 1997,路4 mins
How much does alcohol really help prevent heart disease?
15 Oct 1997,路3 mins