A weekly look at developments in the world of technology
World Service,路224 episodes
How artificial intelligence could help us communicate with our silicon servants
10 Sep 2001,路24 mins
A report from the Africa Highway 2001 Conference, and an internet-led digital renaissance
17 Sep 2001,路24 mins
How talking computers could mirror our personalities
01 Oct 2001,路24 mins
Internet pioneer and founder Ted Nelson explains why is unhappy with his invention
08 Oct 2001,路24 mins
Computer graphics meets Oscar-winning film animation artistry in the film Stuart Little
15 Oct 2001,路24 mins
Testing the power of meditation in virtual reality
22 Oct 2001,路24 mins
A look at the first PC to be designed and manufactured in Africa
29 Oct 2001,路24 mins
An interview with the inventor of the computer mouse
06 Nov 2001,路24 mins
A preview of Sony's new robot toy
12 Nov 2001,路24 mins
A look at the technology behind the latest animated blockbuster Monsters Inc
19 Nov 2001,路24 mins
The challenges of getting internet access in Central Asia
26 Nov 2001,路24 mins
How society engages with and uses technology
03 Dec 2001,路24 mins
The Kenyan women using technology to share their lives with the world
10 Dec 2001,路23 mins
A visit to Hong Kong's Innovation Expo and how computers can enhance our lives
17 Dec 2001,路24 mins
Looking at what the digital divide really means
20 Dec 2001,路24 mins
The hot topics from digital technology in 2001
31 Dec 2001,路24 mins
A live report from the world's biggest consumer electronics fair in Las Vegas, US
07 Jan 2002,路24 mins
A review of Apple's iMac computer, is it as good as it looks?
14 Jan 2002,路24 mins
Special report on the latest technologies to emerge in the Las Vegas electronic show
21 Jan 2002,路24 mins
The home of the future, with a bit of help from technology
29 Jan 2002,路24 mins
The work of those in Sri Lanka improving internet access
04 Feb 2002,路24 mins
The increasing sale of spy software has raised fears of digital snooping
11 Feb 2002,路24 mins
Afghanistan's new mobile phone network and post-war economic hopes
18 Feb 2002,路24 mins
Digital photographic technology that is as good as its traditional counterpart
26 Feb 2002,路23 mins
How chips are being used to help those with medical issues
04 Mar 2002,路24 mins
Software which speeds up the delivery of internet services, but do we need it?
11 Mar 2002,路24 mins
How digital technology is changing how we purchase and listen to music
18 Mar 2002,路24 mins
How technology is helping ex-child soldiers swap guns for computers in Sierra Leone
25 Mar 2002,路24 mins
How one Ugandan is giving old computers a new lease of life in Africa
01 Apr 2002,路24 mins
Former US President Bill Clinton on how computers can help tackle terrorism
08 Apr 2002,路24 mins