Tracing the evolution of conflict, from early man to the atomic age
World Service,路12 episodes
In a world with few humans there was little conflict. So what changed 30,000 years ago?
20 Nov 2001,路13 mins
How military discipline underpinned the social fabric
21 Nov 2001,路13 mins
From insignificant city state to the ancient world's most formidable military power
22 Nov 2001,路13 mins
The quest for stability amid the ever-present threat of violence
23 Nov 2001,路13 mins
Mongols mastermind Genghis Khan, who brought terror to the known world
24 Nov 2001,路13 mins
How Pope Urban II sponsored war on Islam
26 Nov 2001,路13 mins
How warfare affected the development of Europe in the Middle Ages
27 Nov 2001,路15 mins
Europeans in Ghana began the slave trade more than 500 years ago
28 Nov 2001,路13 mins
The tragedy of Europe's first contact with the natives of America
29 Nov 2001,路13 mins
How the Mughal age of conflict-avoidance came to an end
30 Nov 2001,路13 mins
In the early 20th century, conflict came to involve not just armies but entire nations
01 Dec 2001,路13 mins
As the Second World War ended, the Cold War began
19 Dec 2001,路13 mins