Climate change updates and conservation news from around the world
World Service,路163 episodes
The beginnings of environmentalism - and its challenges - in the US in the late 1980s
13 Sep 1989,路13 mins
How the Dutch government aimed to reduce pollution by 70-90% in 1989
26 Dec 1989,路14 mins
A discussion on China's one child policy and the country's eugenics law
06 Jan 1994,路13 mins
The waste disposal of heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, chrome and arsenic
13 Jan 1994,路13 mins
How big a problem is congestion and car pollution in 1994?
20 Jan 1994,路13 mins
The project to engineer a platform that enables scientists to study rainforest canopies
27 Jan 1994,路13 mins
How beauty and pharmaceutical companies are working with people in developing communities
03 Feb 1994,路13 mins
How scarcity of crop land and water will drive poverty and environmental destruction
10 Feb 1994,路13 mins
Do governments 'cheat' on international environmental treaties?
17 Feb 1994,路13 mins
How using mercury to mine gold is affecting the people and wildlife of the Amazon basin
24 Feb 1994,路13 mins
How turtle eggs are bought from fishermen in Sri Lanka and are released into the wild
03 Mar 1994,路13 mins
The Antarctica whale sanctuary in that protects the feeding grounds of whales
10 Mar 1994,路13 mins
How the contents of batteries are affecting people in developing countries
17 Mar 1994,路13 mins
How children feel about the environment and the action they want to take to protect it
31 Mar 1994,路13 mins
A scheme buy shares in the island of Danjugan to prevent it being developed for tourism
07 Apr 1994,路13 mins
After careful conservation and management, alligator populations have increased
14 Apr 1994,路13 mins
How the UN Fisheries Conference missed the opportunity to prevent overfishing
21 Apr 1994,路13 mins
Pascale Sicotte on fleeing Rwanda and the threats to gorillas during civil conflict
28 Apr 1994,路13 mins
Discussion on the establishment of a whale sanctuary in the southern ocean
05 May 1994,路13 mins
Richard Lewis talks about the declining Madagascan fish eagle population and its habitat
12 May 1994,路13 mins
The catalogue, written in Spanish, of all plants in southern Mexico and Central America
19 May 1994,路14 mins
What's in conventional washing powders that is bad for the environment?
26 May 1994,路13 mins
An agreement to protect whales from commercial hunting, but are all countries happy?
02 Jun 1994,路13 mins
It's worth $100 billion and logging means that the forest could be lost in a generation
09 Jun 1994,路13 mins
Reef decay affects the balance of marine life on which Pacific islanders depend
A force to prevent the illegal trade and trafficking of the wild animals of Africa
16 Jun 1994,路13 mins
How the tsetse fly has helped conservation in Tanzania at national parks such as Mkomazi
30 Jun 1994,路13 mins
How studying Chateauneuf-du-Pape has helped monitor lead pollution from car exhausts
07 Jul 1994,路14 mins
The link between the extinction of African wild dogs with the intervention of scientists
14 Jul 1994,路13 mins
Alexey Yablokov on radioactive pollution, environmental law and protection
21 Jul 1994,路13 mins