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24 September 2014

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Sheaf Square Development

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mrs barton
arghhhhhhhhhhhhh. i cant believe money was wasted on this

emma windle
oh god. what a waste of my money. honestly it looks like a dump

mrs kelly
oh dear. looks like sheffield is getting desperate to deliver something

brilliant photos of Sheffield, looks a lot better now

oliver burkinshaw
I took my boyfriend here

ross parr cuckson
Cant wait to have a convo with my fav teacher about these.

ross cuckson
WOW i will definently teel my teacher Brill pics xx

lots of glitz but the station and sheaf street have several shortcomings -waste of money

this water thing is sweeeeeet!!!!!

Greg, Sheffield
What an eyesore! they hd nothing better to build than a huge steel wall block the view from either the station or the road! The token fountain might have been a nice idea but the steel thing certainly lowers the tone of the project. whilst they have demoslished two large towers, nothing better has been built in their stead. The new road layout has become incredibly dangerous with no partition between opposing lanes and an unreasonable number of pedestrian crossings put in place. The idea might have been right at first but the end product is a shame for Sheffield with a most ridiculous and repulsive 'monument'.

love it, looks so nice, amazing at night aswell with the lights. better than cov station!!

Tshepo Motsewabeng BOTSWANA
This is splendid. I commend Sheffield City Council for the transformation. I studied in Sheffield from 1986 to 1989. Last year I was in Sheffield for a holiday and I could not believe my eyes. Money well spent

jane smith
although this squares makes an iconic statement for visitors to the area, where is the planting? where are the soft surfaces upon which nature can add its intrinsic effect onto the space?...why did the designers not learn from the success of the peace and winter gardens and create a space which both makes a statement and embraces the more ecofriendly approach, Sheffield boasts to be the greenest city in the country, it would have been nice to see more proof of this.

marion nugus
What a beautiful set of photo's.What a wonderful design idea.The ones with the reflections in and the fountains superb. I will be signposting these images to my A Level Geography students who are doing a Managing Cities unit with me. Thank you for topmquality pictures . I now want to come by train to sheffield ...not drive??!! What a Gateway to the city ...I hope the wicker looks as attractive when done. Marion

John Phillipson
Thank you for your fascinating pictures. I have lived in Thailand for 7 years but I listen to Radio Sheffield Regularly. I did not know Sheaf Sq. was being developed. It looks pretty impressive and should be a winner for visitors to the city. Well Done

Well Sheaf Square is now one of the best features in Sheffield APART from that steel wall, what a monster, anybosy arriving by car are faces with just a big steel wall which just looks like a giant crash barrier.

I spent half an hour perched on the edge of the water feature whilst waiting for my train recently. Lovely and relaxing and felt rather proud of my hometown.Hats off to the designers.

Arash.Hallam niversity
It looks nice and high class in first look, how much better this city would have been also Have you noticed all the building they are building look the same as other one.They鈥檝e spend 拢50.000.000 million pounds which is to much to makeover whole Sheffield

Doreen Coe
On my visit to Sheffield on 12 April I was very impressed with the redevelopment outside the station. I know it has taken quite a time but it was really worth the wait. I live in Nottingham and last year the Market Square was redeveloped - what a disaster. My opinion is that it looks now more than a glorified car park! My praise goes to the architects in Sheffield for a superb achievement.

John Salkeld
Cutting Edge - what an eyesore, who thinks these things up and squanders our money, they should be sectioned.

Kenneth Bratby
About time something was done about parkhill flats the city council should be ashamed that its taken so long

Sheaf Sq is Amazing, along with St Paul鈥檚, Barkers Pool and Millennium Sq; Sheffield has some world-class public spaces. Looking forward to seeing Heart of the City, New Retail Quarter and The Moor completed. I don鈥檛 understand why certain people don鈥檛 want offices, hotels, multi storey car parks, shops built! It鈥檚 the City Centre! Central Business District! The city needs these to function. Are you insane?

Paul, Shefffield
Can we assume the Stainless Steel came from a English owned, Sheffield based company??

Dr Roderic K Stanley
What a waste of money. It could have been better spent expanding Supertram. (We have the same problem of building junk in downtown Houston, where we also need to expand our light rail system)

as a student i came to sheffield a lot before the redevelopment and to see the it finished is amazing - the time and money were well worth it - it really gives the area a boost and a lift. it will also give a great first impression of the steel city

R W Barnes
Wonderfully modern, best sight in Sheffield I've seen. Makes life brighter.

there's still loads to be done in and around sheffield though. many areas still look like the worst place to live

What station improvments? The left luggage closes at half past four and they've taken away the post box!

I think it is far better than before. For goodness sake stop moaning Sheffield. If you don't like it here move.

michael wood
All access as been concentrated at the front of station I think a taxi only stand could have been constructed alongside the tram stop at the rear of the station. On a project of this magnitude not a big ask .

Is this now the biggest/most impressive water feature in the UK?

I think it looks stunning! Well done Sheffield

How fantastic! What a sight to greet anyone when they visit sheffield for the first time by train.

Chris Bilton
Excellent begining by a forward looking council, the sculpture especially is tremendous, a lesson could be learned gy neighbours Rotherham.

Saw this for the first time the other day and it is absolutely fabulous. The design is really innovative and individual and a fantastic sight to great visitors to the city as the big steel wall echoes a proud steel heritage. The city is starting to look great all the way from the peace gardens to the station. I can't wait to see what they do to Parkhill. I think it will really mark Sheffield out as an exciting modern city with a real identity. I for one feel proud of what's happening here. Some people will always moan about things but those are generally not the people who contribute to the vibrancy of the city.

I think the station looks fantastic! What I really like is the sound of the water as it runs down the steel sculpture and how it gurgles and spirals down into a gulley.Beautiful and evocative of the rivers and hills of Sheffield. Its lovely to bring water into the city centre as we don't make enough of our natural rivers in Sheffield.

Kenneth Bratby

I saw this development for the first time today and am pretty impressed. It will give vistors to Sheffield a completely different feel of the city from the start. However, like most others commenting here, I'm pretty disappointed by the rest of the developments in Sheffield. All boring concrete blocks, many of which look alwful now, let alone in 10 years...

steve dexter
Sheffield is getting back to the way it was..... the No1 city of the north....... Keep taking the pictures thank you.

Absolutely love the whole development and its been well worth the wait. I drive past the station every day so am looking forward to the work at the roadside being completely finished so you can see everything from the road - the cutting edge sculpture still seems to be largely covered in plasic on the side facing the road. Congratulations and well done to everyone involved :o)

it looks stunning at night with the fountain and the blue xmas tree.howard st is also excellent.

john westwood
A very impressive selection depicting recent Sheffield history. Its a pity the stainless steel for the statue wasn't made in the "Steel City". I understand it was made in Birmingham but I could stand correction on this.

Mike the hat
How can people claim to care about the city and still say no more offices? More offices mean more business/investment means more great area's like this

Dave Richardson
I hope Sheffield keeps the new Gateway redevelopment clean and provide Tourist potential to Sheffield. The 'Hole in Road' was new but was allowed to become 'Shabby and not an asset' to city centre. 'Best of Luck' to Sheffield in their development.

Barry King
Doing a great job. Money well spent

Its about time there was a decent welcoming site for people visiting Sheffield by train.

Roderic K. Stanley
Couldnt the $ have been better spent adding more supertram track routes? Now the station itself looks out of place.

Ian Hemmingham
Well done it may have took a long time but it was worth it

Stuart Coggins
It's good to see some blue neon lights in the Cutting Edge sculpture - there's been a sore lack of them in city centre design recently, and they really give a touch of class to Sheffield that won't date quickly in the slightest.

Hazel Holden
Re-surfacing the roads would have used the money more wisely.

Everybody talks about as if the other BIG city is the only place worth a mention,But what with the area around the town hall,this developement and next the overdue re-vamp of the Moor everyone should be very proud of our city.

E. Bygum
Bah! Change!

I walked past the sculpture today when it was being tested and it looks fantastic. It's going to give a great impression to visitors.The water is wonderful and the whole impression is one of vibrancy.


It's a project that has been long awaited! Well done everyone involved, the pictures look great. Cant wait to see the final masterpiece.

The redevelopment of Sheaf square is really shaping up now. OK, it's been hellish for a few months but I think the outcome will definitely be worth it. Hopefully Sheffield will continue to look to other regeneration areas (Exchange Sq, Manchester)for inspiration and fresh ideas.I'm a Sheffielder and very happy to see the changes being made to the city centre.

I left Sheffield 4 years ago after living their my whole life (43 years). I came across a saying recently in the USA where I now live - "a pig in a dress is still a pig" Address the real problems like drugs, and drinking and too many people on social security before constructing waterfalls. Its pointless and a waste of money when there is so much suffering.

This symbol of the City of Steel is amusing as the steel used is from eastern europe!! as Sheffield doesn't make the right sort of steel! It is also an accident waiting to happen - drunk students climbing on to the round end of it and sliding along to the other higher end.

Paul Cambell
Soon Sheffield will not be a place for proper sheffielders, but just a large car park for the numerous hotels and student accomodation. It's not a hatred of new things just pointless expenditure!

laura o'conner
it is the new but station it is lookin very gd but it wont be like that fo ages people will griffett.and the we ave not got nowt to look good in town and that os that

I think it's brilliant the station is finally getting sorted out. It's really inportant for the impression visitors get of our city when they arrive and for residents to feel proud of it. It's much more than a car park, mardy bum.

what is the point in investing millions in the city when chavs and vandals will wreck it all within a year, sheffield could be a great place only if it had diffrent people and people that respect sheffield, but i must say sheffield has come along way and is looking good shame about the people tho,

Tom, S2
Very nice etc, but will this need "regenerating" in 10-15 years time. Aside from the Peace Gardens and Division Street the city centre is in decline through bad planning and lack of investment as a result of poor leadership at Council level. Particularly depressing is the state of the hitorical centre of Sheffield, near the Castle Markets. Jan Wilson is never photgraphed standing at the bottom of the Moor or near the Cannon public house is she?

拢15 million on a parking lot, which will take 18 months to build and will allow an extra 400 cars to park - what a waste of my tax money. Surely this money could have more wisely been spent on decreasing the costs of our private (oops sorry) Public transport system OR finshing the tram system OR more parking at the tram Park & Rides.

Don Buttress
As an ex Sheffield resident now living in Australia.I am happy to see changes around the train station area.A more depressing area would be hard to find.Well done.I hope to see it completed on my next trip.

Denis Riley
After being a 'dead zone' for years, this place is now great to have a coffee and watch the world go by, well done all involved.

den the chapletown blade
Typical Sheffielders,always ready to slag off anything new ,Ive lived here all my life and love the place and its people but this reluctance to change is seriously holding back the City. No one wanted supertram and look what a sucess that has become,likewise all the developments that take place are given a hard time during their construction and nobody ever comes back on these type of sites after they are completed to say how well they turned out. Stop being so negative Sheffield.

Who wants to come visit a city to see offices and hotels? We don't need more concrete and reflective materials to mirror them, we'll be wanting that ripping down in 10 years time. It's an improvement, but only because it was awful before. Please invest in something that will inspire people, not a fancy path.

Love the photos. I was taught in Dyson ten years ago - and I am so pleased it's going....

I can see the steel wall being covered with grafitti within a week. Also I wish there were more grassed areas instead of all this concrete streetscaping. Whatever happened to the "green city" Sheffield was once famous for?

It's all glass, steel, steps and water again. Has anyone had a single thought about anything at all? .. Ever?

hafeas Rehman
the new taxi rank at the station is a mess, it is too tight for taxis, it is very difficult to get onto without hitting the sides. Taxi drivers are threatening to boycot it if it is not altered soon.

related comment, a colleague from Hull looking out of the Hallamshire asked "Is that the horrible building they are knocking down near the station?" "No, that's the Arts Tower." I replied!

Everywhere you look there are new hotels, apartments being built, Why don't the council turn the many empty office blocks into apartments, instead of building more unneccasery offices. That would be to easy. Have you noticed all the building they are building look the same ,if you go to Leeds, or Manchester etc, there buildings are individual and different unlike ours.

More offices and hotels please - offices for people to work in - and hotels for people to work in! And of course for people to come to sheffield and stay!

Carol Stenhouse
If only Sheffield Council had concentrated more in the past on demolishing the eyesores, such as this, that they allowed to be built in the first place and less on demolishing some of Sheffield's beautiful historical buildings - how much better this city would have been.

Jean Sheffield
Like the look of the plans but please no more offices or hotels

Kathryn Atkin
So pleased to see Dyson House being ripped to shreds - I spent 2 years there in the mid-80s as a student and it was the most depressing, dingy, noisy, hot and uncomfortable building I've ever been in- you could not open a window in hot weather because of the traffic outside. Now I work at Castle College and can see this eyesore every day - ANYTHING has to be an improvement and I look forward to the new development.

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