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Talk about Staffordshire's Attractions

There's plenty to do in Staffordshire, whatever you're into! But what do you think are the best (and worst!) attractions?

Staffordshire's got loads of great attractions from Alton Towers to Waterworld, The Potteries Museum to Uttoxeter Racecourse... so whether you're an adrenalin junkie or steam engine enthusiast - there's something here for you!

Tell us what you think are the best (and worst!) places to go... or have a look at what others have said, and tell us if you agree...

Add your comments in the form below.

last updated: 08/07/2008 at 13:16
created: 05/06/2006

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The ques can be unbearable, but apart from that it's a great day out

Andy, Glasgow
The park is ok could be a little cleaner and given a little tidy up. We camped for two nights on the second night i was woken by stones being thrown at my car and tent which caused damage. The security did nothing so i went for help I was then nearly arrested as security said i was the problem. They refused to see if my family was ok while we waited for the police. In the mean time the large group of kids continued to throw stones at my car and tent. My girlfriend, seven month old baby and i did not sleep much that night. I will not go back to Drayton Manor and I would not advise anybody to camp there. I have tried to get info regarding the school who's prom it was but they refuse to help. I now have to fork out over 拢200 to get my bonnet repaired.

It was really nice - to gto with family, frends or your school. No matter what age you are are ther are really good facilities and it is extremely welcoming

Alaur Rahman
drayton manor is the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!

Sammy Haych
Drayton manor is deffinatly the best theme park around! i think this because a lot of the rides, but not all, can be found in other theme parks around the country! whereas drayton manor has the WORLD'S FIRST stand-up tower drop(which is amazing but so incredibly scary!) and they have EUROPE'S ONLY stand-up roller coaster (which is so fun!) also they have g-force where you feel so free as you know your going upside down but you dont have bars over your shoulders, just across your waist whic makes it even more scarier! i would say that Drayton Manor is the best theme park for those of you who crave addrenaline rushes! and we all know that there are hundreds of people in the U.K. who crave them otherwise theme parks wouldn't be so popular. Alotn Towers is also a magnificent theme park as it has other things than just ride, you can go around the park and you can go and play crazy gold or go on the pedaloos. nearly all the rides at alton towers are amazing. i thik that hexis made out to be something that it is not but it is still really good and tricked me well. i love oblivion, i was too scared to go on it the 1st time i went to alton towers but i regreted not going on it afterwards so i ended up going back to alton towers about 4 weeks later and i got dragged on oblivion and i was addicted. i wanted to go on it more and more and more. i find air a good ride as well beacause it is an easy going slightly relaxong ride but it is also slightly intensifying when you are in the loading station and you get suspended forward! it is a ride which you don't want to stop. nemesis is an awsome ride! although it bashes your head around a lot it gives you a thrll which you don't want to let go of. i think hat ripsaw is secretly the main attraction of the park because it gives you an AMAZING thrill and makes the crowd so happy. when i went, i went on ripsaw about 3 times in a row and there was LOADS of people gathered around ripsaw watching the people getting soaked and cheering and laughing. rita, the queen of speed is an amazing ride, the only bad thing isthat after the big shoot off, there is a sharp corner which you have to go round and it can hurt your neck if your not ready for it! but the thrill is amazing! you get negative G's from it and you get lifted out of your seat. yo could say that you get blown away by it!but overall at Alton Towers, ripsaw, air, nemesis, oblivion and rita are deffinatly rides that you will remember the feel of when you leave! And at Drayton Manor, ALL the rides will stay in your mind when you go home! it is a theme park where you dont want to leave because you enjoy the rush so much!

drayton manor is the best because theyve got the best thrill rides definately pandemonium scared me stupid you start to fall out of your seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeahh well i bet no one at drayton manor got stuck at the top of stormforce 10 wen at the top it was scary gettin down on the steps lol

da bomb
Drayton Manor is the BOMB!way more fun than alton towers.GO ON PANDEMONIUM NO MATTER HOW SCARED YOU ARE GO! GO! GO! PLEASE!

I love drayton manor it is the BEST theme park in the world compered to alton towers.

Hugh Brasnett
Regarding the amalgamation of the Staffordshire Regiment with others into the Mercian Regiment, I presume the new regiments motto will be 'No Mercy from the Mercians.'

ive not been to alton towers but id love to go ive been to a theme park in germany europa park that was great!

W Parkin
Arrived at Alton Towers by car ai 09.30.after queing for monorail and waiting to collect tickets that were booked online, finally got in to the park at 11.05,and this was on a quiet day! Thank god not many people were there or we'd still be waiting for our tickets!

alton towers is gr8, nemesis is so fun and spinball whizzer make u laugh so hard you may discrace ur self lol. only problem was finding way around, i got lost in some woods hehe. going water world 2moro yey!!!!

alton towers is simply the best nothing can beat it !!

it was goooooooood !! -- except for the rain ~!! =[

alton towers is ace! its the most fun i have had in a whilei can only say one thing about RitaUBER!!!

can you tell me how high the oblivion is?

Alton WAS the BEST without a doubt but its beginning too look tired,some fab rides,but some bad ones.Alton Towers please modernise your park wit a lick of paint.Thorpe Park is the best in the land at the moment check that out

i think drayton manor is the best and all year group enjoys it because they have rides for all age and i think that's really cool and anyone can go on it. soooo it's the best.....

i love drayton manor, because it has the best rides ever!

Is THeir Any Good And Cheaper Fun Places To Go In And Around Cheshire?

went 2 alton today for my 20th visit and it was as good as ever. No big q's and fantastic rides. Thanx alton

Kat, Huddersfield
Alton Towers is an awesome day out, i've been 4 times and i'm going again in 2 days!!! It gets better every time! i also stayed in the alton towers hotel which is fab, you all meet in the morning and walk down through the beautiful gardens.i have only one word of warning - my sister's friend got whip-lash after going on the corkscrew and the first time i went on it i had quite the headache! so i'd avoid that 1! apart from that, anyone who hasn't been is missing out!

olivia clark
staffordshire doesnt have many places to go to but my favourites are alton towers and water world. alton towers has wicked rides like rita and oblivion and water world has the best slides.

joe white
it's a bit silly for the 11 year old kids who want to go i say any body over one meter should be allowed on them but not the ones were we probly fall out.

joe white
it's a bit silly for the 11 year old kids who want to go i say any body over one meter should be allowed on them but not the ones were we probly fall out.

John Harvey
I spent 5 wondefull years with the Staffords. The comrades i met, high ranking or just lower ranks, these memories make me smile nearly everyday. I am proud to be associated with this fine regiment and i have am now left with a feeling of great grief, as though my best mate has died. Brigadier JS Knapper was my first platoon commander, and what a commander he has turned out to be, the stuff of a true brit and hero. John Harvey (Pte) 1974-79

The maelstrom is the ride of your life!

i think alton towers is cool and i love it and love the big rides all the time

aaron medhurst
how tall do u hav 2 b 2 go on the rides

Alton towers is wicked i went on each ride at least twice. The queuse were not longfor me because my ad works there and i an stay there on a weekend from 7 till 10 but i never get bored

ive onli been 2 Dryton Manor n it woz fun but i'd love to go Alton Towers!

Adam , Curtis and Lucas Wale
We are 3 brothers age 8,6 and 3 and we love Drayton Manor so much that our Mum and Dad bought an annual pass. Adam 8 : I loved G force and went on many times and cannot wait until I am tall enough for Shockwave. Curtis 6: I love all the rides, I think theyre great, theyre all so good i cannot think of a favourite . Lucas 3: I love all the rides , my favourite is the Splash Canyon. Mum : I think they've said it all !!!!! FAB

chloe ferris
Drayton manor is AMAZING! i went with a group of my friends and we had a great time! we went on Gforce over ten times!!!! Its all proper good and i advice all you big riders out thr to go. big plus quing takes no time at all.

i thought the queues wer too long and it was boring

its great !!!!

its okish lol

well i fink my skool rox(john taylor) we n ma m8's av a blast

Joe Price
I may only be twelve but i went there on a school trip and it was ace. I felt so relaxed an me an my friends had a great time.

Vicki Dunham
From Montana in the US, I am searching for the value of two art prints made from engravings in about 1750. Moorlands GAllery in Cornwall is listed on the back of the works but that web search brings up nothing. I work with Special Olympics MOntana and the prints I refer to have been given to us. We would like to determine their value, whether neglible or otherwise. CAn you provide advice? Thanks very much. Vicki Dunham

Sharon Wale
We had a family annual pass and used it many times and enjoyed going back time after time , something for all of us.

More to Staffordshire than Alton Towers folks!

air is the best ride it may not be the highest or fstest but it is the funnest

mr campbell
Alton Towers is fab

water world is good but u have to go in the morning becuse it gets packed ded quick

alton towers were can i start its amazing the best ride is air loads of ppl like nemis tho

Jack Horwood
Love Alton Towers, even decided to undertake my Business Coursework purely based on the park, best ride for me was air! My face was a picture!! Great innovation and fantastic venue

air is the best ride ever i went on it 7 times and loved it the best place is to be at the front it is really like you are flyin

Hey Im about to go to Alton Towers on Friday 28th July and Im really scared to go after the runaway mine train incident. I cant get the money back for my Alton Towers deal, so Im gona have to go. fingers crossed everything will be ok, becuase I went last year and loved it. I think its a shame Alton Towers isnt doing more to ease the minds of those apprehensive to visit the park in future, like myself. Its gona be great fun sitting on the grass all day eating chips and drinking beer... Ending on a high note, I think getting an Indian restuarant in Merry England was a great move! We got an awesome curry out there last year and the staff inside were really friendly. What about a chinese Alton? We dont all like McDonalds and Pizza hut! : D

soo much fun
I went to alton towers with my school today and i had soo much fun ! im kind of disapointed because of the queues but all in all it was soo much fun ! i think they should get more benches to sit on because we had to walk for about 10 mins with a mcdonalds in our hands to find somewhere to sit and even then we had to sit on grass ! i enjoyed it and i reccomend it to everyone !

Ellen hastings
OMG ALTON TOWERS IS THE BEST!!! the best ride has to be RITA!!! it was soooooo amazing!!!! the ques are long, but there worth it, trust me. I went with school, and we all had a great time!!! All the rides are so good, i really enjoyed it!

Melissa Biddulph
I went Drayton Manor for my end of year school trip and it was the best!It had loads of cool thing to do- it even had a zoo!

I think that Rudyard Lake and its steam railway are a great family day out.

Alton Towers is so fun. Ive been so many times and im still not bored of it it rocks!!

i think draytons manor way better than alton towers

The Roaches
I thought it was quite a interesting place and i am sure i will return some day soon. Kelly, Derby

yeah, drayton manor is great but you've got to admit alton towers is the best theme park in britain by far

Iqi, Congleton
I am doing my geography coursework about the roaches, and i really think that it is a really nice place to go to...

georgie, sutton in ashfield nottinghamshire
i've got to say drayton manor is the best theme park ever me and my mates r luvin it its wicked especially the log flume stormforce 10 and the rollercoaster shockwave i luved all the rides and im going again soon coz i luved it xxxx

Julie Williamson
Ceramica - well worth a visit if you have hands-on children or to please the child in the adult. The ground floor has a canal boat that you can leg or load - my son's personal favourites - or you can make or decorate pottery most days. Good for rainy days and the displays are not dry or unappealing. And plenty of buttons to press. Try your hand at news reading or listen to the Memory Bank - includes Robbie's Dad and others. Very friendly and helpful staff. Well worth a visit, although closed on Mondays at the moment.

I like the alton towers roller coasters and i like Nemesis,Obvilion,Rita-queen of speed,air,ripsaw.

danielle, newcastle
drayton manor is one of the best theme parks in britain i think. i am coming again this year :-)

Malia, Birmingham
I have to say Drayton Manor is the best park in Britain It had so many fab rides. I'd love to go again

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