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St Wilfrid's Primary School


Dear Santa...

When was the last time you wrote to Santa? What would you ask for now?... Some of the pupils at St Wilfrid's Primary School in Tunstall have written letters to Santa - Read them here...

Dear Santa - by Jackson


How are you? Is that red suit okay? Does it still fit round your bread basket? Has your diet increased yet? For Christmas, I hope I'm not being cheeky, but can I have an MP3 player? I deserve it because when I'm in the car, it will keep me quiet. I wish I could have a new double-glazing window, but I don't think you would fit it in your sledge.

And if you could, can you think of some more toys please? I know I deserve it, because I've got the class trophy 5,000 times for being good, and I also think I should have them because I'm not the best, but I try hard.

Your pal,

P.S. I've saved some meat and potato pies. See you next year!

Dear Santa - by Ciaran


How are you? I hope you are keeping fit, so you can fit down my chimney. I saw you at our annual Bazaar a few weeks ago. I saw you at the cake stall. How many packs of cakes did you have? Ten?

Anyway, these are some of the things I want for Christmas. I need a new Freddy Flintoff cricket bat, an MP3 player and the Goblet of Fire Playstation 2 game. If you get me these things, I will give you three chocolate muffins plus VIP tickets to Disneyland Paris. And I will throw in a bottle of wine.

I deserve these things because I help around the house, I was the car and cook dinner some of the time. So if you would be kind enough to consider getting these things, go to Argos and for the cricket bat, go online. I hope you bring happiness to all.

Yours sincerely, Ciaran

P.S. Do you want chocolate chip muffins, or triple chocolate? Because I've got both sorts.

Dear Santa - by Aisha


First off, how are you? The reindeers? The elves ? And Mrs Claus? I hope you and her are still together. Oh great and humble one, Santa. Please can I have, because it would be excellent, a pair of roller blades? And I deserve it because I do jobs around the house and I make lots of the lunches, and I would like them because they're cool, fun and fast. I also want to ask you what you would like for Christmas snackings?

I am an angel in the Christmas play at school this year. I am a super duper angel, and a good girl, and please, please, please can I have a metal detector, a kitten, a pair of flippers, a pixel chicks, and a playful pup toy. I deserve these things because my mum and dad keep saying how good I am and I always do as I'm told and keep the house very clean and tidy, and I also clean out my rabbit and feed all the pets. Thank you for all your time.

Yours sincerely, Aisha

P.S. Please send me a letter back telling me about things in the North Pole!

Dear Santa - by Dominic


How are you? How's Rudolph the carrot muncher? How's the red bare suit coming on? Is your sleigh okay? If you run out of fuel just pop down to the petrol station on Scotia Road.

Pretty please for Christmas may I have two more cats, one a British Blue and another one because I love cats. I have already got a cat who's 4 years old and his name is Breezer. I also want an Aresnal football strip because they are my favourite team in the world.

I deserve these prezzies because every day I have to watch my brother and I never ever, I repeat, never ever rest. Could I also have a wish that my sister would never bug me so I can see the daylight again. Okay, off you go to get my prezzies and wishes.

Bye bye, Dominic, aged 10.

Dear Santa - by Hannah


How are you? I'd like to write to you. What wine do you want? Do you want whisky, brandy or champagne?

I would like a Gameboy Advance SP, Sim City 2000 game, Simpsons Road Rage game and a Polly Pocket slip and slide sleigh set. I want all these because when I am at brownie camp I get bored.

I deserve these because I went to a parents evening on 24th November and my dad was proud because my teachers said I am good. Soon I will get a medal.

Yours sincerely, Hannah, age 9.

Dear Santa - by Katie


How are you? Are you doing some of your Christmas shopping? I am hoping that we will have a very snowy Christmas this year. I hope you have a nice Christmas. I will leave you a mince pie and a glass of milk.

I hope I could have a book called 'Krindlekrax' by Philip Risley. I would also like a Playstation 2.

I would like these because I love reading books and I would like to do something in the day. I would only deserve these gifts if I was on your good list. I also deserve these gifts because I help around the house and I do all the cleaning at my nana's.

From Katie, age 10

P.S. Please can I have a lovely Christmas with my family?

Dear Santa - by Layla


How are you? Is Rudolph okay? I've bought a carrot especially for him.

For Christmas I would like a puppy because I have always wanted one and I think I deserve one because I walways help my mum with shopping and everything.

Another present I want is an inflatable chair to bounce up and down on. It is really fun. I think I deserve it because I didn't get a presents for doing well in my SATS. That wasn't fair.

The third thing I would like is a sledge to slide down on the snow with. I would like it because it is fun and I think I deserve it because last year I had to slide in the snow on a baking tray. It was a bit bent after.

Love from Layla.

PS I really have been good.

PPS I would really like the puppy and I would prefer the chair to be Groovy Chick. You can get it from Argos.

Dear Santa - by Nathan


How are you? How are the reindeer? I only got one carrot for Rudolph. Don't tell the others. What fitness programme are you taking? I hear Carol Vorderman does a mighty good one. I've left you a pack of crisps and a chocolate muffin with only 1% fat each. Amazing, I know, but I'm that amazing kind of person.


Can I have three goalie strips, some new Playstation games, and a new Adidas football? P.S. I am an angel in the school play. Angel by name, angel by nature. And if I don't get the things I want I… I… I'll think of something.

Your superdupersincerely, Nathan.

Dear Santa - by Lewis


I hope you are fine. If I was as fast as you are at Christmas, I would be the speed of light. How do you eat all those mince pies? You eat millions each year! I wish I had an appetite like that. I saw you at Asda and The Potteries shopping centre. My fire's smoky so watch your nose!
I'm not greedy, but please can I have an MP3 player, Gameboy Advance, PSP, the CD 'Now 62'. It's not much. You can afford, I'm sure. If I had all your money, I would be a trillionaire!
You are lucky. A one night shift? My Dad wishes he could do that! In case you are wondering, it's Lewis Wood, your cheapest customer. I would like to have these things because I would have loads of fun and it would make my Christmas day. I deserve them because I am a good boy, working hard at everything I do, and I have tried to help my Mum and I have had the chance to help my Grandad.

I have looked after my cousin, doing almost everything he has wanted me to do, and I am surely on your list of good girls and boys? I will give Rudolph five carrots. Don't tell any of the other reindeers; they will be jealous. I am giving him the most mature, fresh carrots. He will see in the dark, so you will not crash.


P.S. You know I am good!

Dear Santa - by Tamara


How are you this winter? Are you very busy? After reading my letter, you will need to hurry up and get back to work. I think I saw you in Asda on Sunday, but I wasn't sure if it was you. How is your diet going? Hope your red suit still fits you.

This Christmas, if you don't mind, I would like a list of two things. Those two things are a Groovy Chick camera and also a Robosapian.

I think I should have these two items because at the weekend I put everything away in my bedroom and help to tidy the house. I also did really well at my parents evening, and my viola teacher, Mrs Buckley, says I'm a star.

Love from, Tamara.

Dear Santa - by Charlie


I hope you have a great Christmas. Guess what? I am in the Christmas play. I am a camel. I have to kiss my cousin. I will give you extra mince pies and whisky if you get me the things I ask for.

I hope I am not being cheeky, but for Christmas could I have two Playstation 2 games? Fantastic Four and Need for Speed Most Wanted. I deserve these games because I help my mum and dad when they are washing the car or cleaning out the shed.

Oh gosh! Where are my manners? Let me tell you my name. My name is Charlie. I live in Burslem, Stoke on Trent, in case you don't know. I wish I was as quick as you. You must be the speed of light. Well, have a nice Christmas.

Yours sincerely, Charlie

Dear Santa - by Emily


I've left you this year a chocolate muffin, I hope you like it, it's the tastiest yet.

Please, please, please may I have a groovy chick digital camera. I think I deserve this because last year I left you seven carrots for you and your reindeers. I'm not being cheeky, but I think you are a very greedy man. You must have ate about 60 million carrots last year. I'll take back what I just said, but I really did mean it.

If you are, as people say, kind, will you buy me a Bratz Skilodge? If you go to Argos now there's 25% off. I'm not being funny but I badly want this Bratz winter Skilodge. I think I should have this because my violin teacher says I'm doing really well, and that must be worth something!

Please, please, pretty please may you buy me these things. Talk to you again soon, Emily xx

P.S. I hope you can still fit down the chimney!

Dear Santa - by Jade


How are you this year? Are you still keeping on your weight watchers diet? Anyhow, is Rudolph's nose still sore from last year? Poor animal. Does your read suit still suit you or are you going blue this year? I think yellow suits you. Do the angels feel Rudolph carrots on Christmas Eve?

Anyway, please, please, please can I have an Xbox 360 and some games? I have never had a games console ever before. I hope I'm on your good list this year.

Can I also have another rabbit? My rabbit Gizmo is getting really upset and really lonely. She really wants another friend to play with. And last of all, can I have some books to keep up with my school work?

I deserve these gifts because I do well at school work, I help at home and I do well in my music homework.

From Jade, aged 9 and ¾ .

Dear Santa - by Kyle


I hope you don't think I'm cheeky but have you had a nice time getting all my presents? I hope you don't burn your bum coming down my chimney.

The main presents I want are a Star Wars Lightsaber making kit, because I have helped my parents with jobs such as cleaning.

I also want a Darth Vader FX Lighsaber for the price of only £89.99. And I also want the Shadow the Hedghog game for the Playstation 2.

The reason for both of these is I have taken good care of my puppy.

Yours sincerely, Kyle, aged 9.

Dear Santa - by Nadia


How are you? Are you perhaps going to go for green this year? I hope you and Mrs Claus are getting along well.

Please Santa, could I have a Bellville Mermaid Castle, because it's so colourful and sparkly? It's also got some new people too! I would also love to have some really soft baby toys from Mothercare, because they're so cute and cuddly and I adore them so much, and I deserve them because I always keep my room tidy.

May I also have a Bellville Snow Queen sledge set with mini ice castle, because I've put away all the washing since I was five and I do this all the time, clearly proving I have been a very good girl this year.

Could I also have a Barbie Fashion Show PC-rom game because I do so really want it and I really love it, and I deserve it because I always go to church every Sunday. I also read to my mum at night whenever she's in.

That is basically all I want. I can afford the rest myself.

Thank you ever so much. From Nadia

P.S. My brother probably won't write, so could he have Star Wars Battlefronts II for X Box?

Dear Santa - by Ria


How are you? How is your health? How is your diet? Go for the colour blue this year. I hope you like my present, a carrot for Rudolph. I hope your sleigh has enough petrol.

Please could I have a mobile phone, Ipod (blue, mini), a Password Journal 2 and an Arsenal mobile phone case? I need a mobile phone and case because in the past year I have been very considerate with my sister. I help my mum with chores around the house, for example, washing up, making tea - you know, generally house chores.

I need a Password Journal 2 because my sister keeps looking through my things and it's really annoying. To open it you need a password and it recognises your voice. Anyway, I deserve it. I am a good girl.

I need an Ipod mini because sometimes I get bored and I have nothing to do, like on journeys, long ones. Please could I have these things?

Yours sincerely, Ria .

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last updated: 06/07/06
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