School Day ReportsYou are in: Stoke & Staffordshire > School Day > School Day Reports > Good to be Green? |  |
Good to be Green?By Joe, Dan and Nathan James and Will, students from Endon High School, visited Hanley Central Forest Park to find out more about regeneration schemes. We know they can work, but are they always a positive thing?...
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|  | James and Will went to see Hanley's Central Forest Park, where Dave Harvey, one of the City Council's Countryside Co-ordinators, gave them a tour of the site.听 "It's amazing what they've done here!" | Will |
James had visited the park before and was really impressed with the regeneration work, but Will was seeing it for the first time since the regeneration project, Greening for Growth, began.
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|  | last updated: 06/07/06 | SEE ALSO
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