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29 October 2014
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Ultimate Frisbee players - photo by Kristie Wilson
Photo by Kristie Wilson.

Ultimate Frisbee – Not just a dog’s toy

By James Albins
Ever heard of Ultimate Frisbee? Staffordshire University student James tells us about how he got involved, and what's great about this alternative sport.

If Family Fortunes were to ask one hundred people to name something that you could do with a frisbee the top three answers would most likely be, throw it down the park with your mates, throw it to a dog or use it as a weapon in an obscure eighties film. To me at least these were the only uses I ever saw a Frisbee having. That however all changed when I started university.

"As it goes it’s kind of a cross between netball and basketball. Mixed teams of five play against each other to try and score the most points..."

Like most freshers during their first week at university I went along to a clubs and societies fair in an effort to sign up to one of the universities sports teams. Now not being a very sporty person I wasn’t really holding out much hope in finding a team that I wanted to join. As I walked around the fair various teams approached me. Each of them looking less appealing than the other. Men’s football asked me to join, I said no. Rowing asked me if I would like to sign up, a definite no, being someone who can’t swim. Even Karate tried to entice me but failed. But then just as I was about to give up and go back to halls a leaflet was thrust into my hands. A leaflet that had two big bold words on it, Ultimate Frisbee. I had to read the leaflet again. Ultimate Frisbee! Was this right?

So what's so ultimate about it?

Now I knew what a Frisbee was, and as far as I was aware there was nothing that ultimate about it.I was intrigued I wanted to know more. I had to ask, so I did. “It’s a non contact mixed team sport. Played either indoors or out depending on the weather” Said Dave their Captain. “We have an introduction session tomorrow at twelve come along if you’re interested.” I was, so I did!

When I arrived at the training season I didn’t really know what to expect. There were a few people throwing a Frisbee among one another and a few others just standing around looking confused. However within a few minutes the experienced players were already starting to explain the fundamentals of Ultimate Frisbee to us novices.

And the rules are ...

As it goes it’s kind of a cross between netball and basketball. Mixed teams of five play against each other to try and score the most points within a fifteen-minute time limit. You score a point by successfully throwing the disk up the pitch from your end zone and catching it in the oppositions whilst the other team tries to stop you and gain possession of the frisbee for themselves. I have to admit by the end of the session I probably threw the frisbee to everyone on the pitch except the people on my team, dropped more discs than I caught and nearly collapsed from all the running around - but I had fun doing it.

Although I hadn’t really understood what I was doing it didn’t seem to matter, the experienced players made me feel welcome and encouraged my efforts and as I left the introduction session I felt very happy, so decided to sign up.

Did you know there are frisbee TOURNAMENTS?

Two teams shaking hands - photo by Kristie Wilson.
It's all about making friends - ahhhhhh!

It wasn’t to long before I had picked up the basics of the game and even learnt a few new throws (as apparently there are more than just one way to throw a frisbee!). I was just getting used to too it all when I was asked by Dave if I wanted to go to a Beginners' Frisbee Tournament in Loughborough. Was what I hearing right? Were there actually proper Frisbee tournaments? It was as if I had suddenly discovered a new sub culture that had remained hidden from me, and the rest if the world until now. I had to check this out. I had to know if it was true so I agreed to go along as part of the team.

The tournament was being held over two days at Loughborough University and I was amazed by what I saw. Not only was our team there but there were others, nineteen to be precise. All of them there to do just one thing, play Frisbee, and it was at this tournament that I truly discovered what Ultimate Frisbee was all about. It wasn’t about the winning or even the competing. It was all about the spirit of the game. Having fun, meeting new people, partying with the other teams and just relaxing and having a laugh with your friends.

A brilliant experience

It was an experience I was grateful to have been exposed to and missed when we returned home from the tournament. Now three years on I’m still a member of the Frisbee team and have been too countless tournaments. I’ve met Frisbee teams from across the country and got drunk with most of them, and I haven’t regretted a single moment of it. There is more too Ultimate Frisbee than I first thought. It’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea but it’s worth experiencing.

If your fortunate enough to have someone thrust a Frisbee flyer into your hands take the opportunity to go along. You’ll never know where it will lead you to and at the very least you’ll have an interesting answer to give Family Fortunes.

Find out more about the sport and find teams near you by clicking on the links on the right of this page.

last updated: 29/05/08
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