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13 November 2014

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Wedgwood in Indonesia

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you can tell the different between english made and overseas one, the colour and weight is different - the weight is like cermicas

vera vincent
it is a shame that you have taken away the one thing england is know for and people losing there jobs to take it overseas, I won't be buying anymore of your pottery unless it is made in england and that also goes for royal albert

Peggy TX USA
How can it still be stamped ENGLAND when it isn't? How can they send your jobs to a Muslim country when they want to do away with all non-Muslims. It is wrong on so many levels. They are giving them the resources to help with that agenda by supplying them your jobs. I love to buy things made in England because I know I am getting a quality item, that would be passed down to future generations. Not made in China dollar store junk.

Chris, NY, USA
Sorry Mike, but producing a few token tableware lines and select premium lines in Stoke-on-Trent really doesn't constitute any serious production of Wedgwood CORE products in Stoke-on-Trent.The very fact that the products being produced in Indonesia are not back stamped with "Made in Indonesia" but rather "Wedgwood, England 1759" is for sure a deliberate and concerted attempt to "pull the wool over the eyes" of prospective customers at the very least.The current owners of Wedgwood, or WWRD Holdings as it's now known, KPS Capital Partners, seems to believe they can re-establish the Wedgwood brand, particularly in the US market, as a must have item on any bridal registry list. I believe that KPS is all about marketing the brand, and flogging as much crap (Ratners style) as possible to the ill informed consumer who will no doubt be left believing that they are selecting British fine bone china, produced in England, rather than something that is basically a "pretender" or "knock off" from some factory set up in Indonesia under the "Wedgwood" name.I think KPS is a bit foolhardy in thinking that purchasers of premium branded products here in the US or elsewhere will not care about where the products are produced. They may just end up destroying the "Wedgwood" name as a prestige marque once and for all, and complete the destruction process embarked upon by the previous owners.

Mike, UK
Just to confirm many of Wedgwood's CORE products are still being manufactured at the Stoke factory.

Margaret Gaskell
I feel more peole should know and understand this that items are not MADE IN ENGLAND as so many think they are stil made in ENGLAND and is very confusing..so sad we have lost so many of the POTTERIES industry ..for greed & money ..my heart goes out too the many who have lost they jobs ..

Chris, NY, USA
While the quality of the products made in Indonesia or elswhere may be on a par with those previously produced in Stoke-on-Trent, when you ship away the production, the brand prestige, history and heritage dissapear enroute in the eyes of the customer. The truth is however that the vast majority of working-middle class consumers, are, for the most part, no longer prepared to pay a premium for tableware produced in England, when comparible quality products, being produced in Asia, are nowadays being sold for substantially lower prices. Many of the Stoke-on-Trent producers however, Wedgwood among them, joined the bandwaggon of "marketing the brand" rather than more efficiently producing the products that earned them their global reputation over the years. This is OK as long as the consumer considers that brand to have retained it's value as a premium marque. But also, ask any kiln or related equipment supplier where they were selling the majority of their new, more efficient manufacturing equipment during the past 20 years, and those that are left will be able to tell you that it wasn't to manufacturers in Stoke-on-Trent, who for years continued to operate with equipment that should have long retired. Heck it was only a few years back that Wedgwood were still running a number of twin chamber tunnel kilns at Barlaston, which were built by Brown Boverie back in 1938. Yes these may have been great when they were built, but much more efficient equipment had long become available since. These were eventually been retired in the late 1990's, but with the lack of new, and significant investment over many years, when Wedgwood finally got a rude awakening and came to realise what was happening to them competition wise, any stides they then tried to make then were way too little, and way too late. Wedgwood were traditionally manufacturers at heart, but with an arrogant and incompetant management group at the helm, that milked their business for as long a time as they could, what else would happend but eventual failure! The cash cow dried up, and the cow keeled over and died. Whatever remains today is a really just a museum to its鈥 former past glory. I have no doubt that some high-end, perhaps niche artisan business will long continue under the Wedgwood name in some corner of Stoke-on-Trent into the future, but for the most part the real Wedgwood story is over, and something only to be read in history books.PS: It's Wedgwood, not Wedgewood, OK?!

What a joke the Wedgewood company still charges a fortune for products made in Asia where the wages they pay the workers are virtually nothing. English workers used to receive a decent salary making wedgewood. WARNING - EXPLOITED ASIAN WORKERS = GREEDY WEDGEWOOD COMPANY CUTTING COSTS! I would not spit on any Wedgewood product now, to me no matter how much the company charge the product is worthless, because the company now pays the workers virtually nothing, as if they were worthless too!

I am devastated to see Royal Doulton pulled out of Stoke. My family has been long time collectors and I had visited the old factory before moving to Wedgewood, as well as the WEdgewood visitor center and factory. There was a pride of ownership and individuality that was lost. The devastation to the surrounding area due to lack of demand for the artisans makes me want to cry. I dislike the watering down of a profession that has been such an intricate part of England and the lives of the collectors. I agree with Sue Clarke totally

China crockery originated in China, but the English are quick to claim that the best products from Wedgwood et al. are superior to those produced in their place of origin. Might British people consider the possibility 鈥 no matter how remote it might seem to them 鈥 that Indonesian Wedgwood can be just as good as, or even superior, to those made in England? One reader wrote: 鈥淧eople want quality ware made in the UK鈥︹ If it is really quality people are looking for, why not just stop at 鈥淧eople want quality ware.鈥 Full stop. Why not judge the Indonesian product by its quality, rather than by where it鈥檚 made or by the people who make them?

I think its sad Britian is loosing so much of its manufacturing. I also was effected when the textile industy moved abroad, I'd only want to buy the Wedgwood made in the Stoke on Trent.

Sue Clarke ex Doulton Painter
It just makes me so angry for the skilled people of Stoke on Trent to think that all their years of loyalty have been rewarded by the total destruction of there lively hoods, whoever employs a worker from the pottery industry can be sure they are getting a hardworking and loyal employee, I am so proud to have been born in Stoke-on Trent

Ex Wedgwood
I totally agree with ex potter, showing these pictures has made me so angry. To know that all the loyalty that was given by so many people has just been pushed to one side again. Good luck to you in Indonesia but if people start finding out the real truth how we were treated over here then you might find yourselves in the same predicament.

pete hammond
What a pity that such an historic company as wedgewood, needed to transfer its factory to southeast asia to do business. I don't know about you, but I no longer buy mechandise from any english companies/potters that are not situated in england.

Karron Bridges
It Breaks my heart to see what was in the blood of Staffordshire people been off loaded for a few cents more. It wont work ,thats why people brought it. What goes around comes around!

As an American who collects Wedgwood, I am horrified at the idea of that it will not be made in England. I will not buy anything made anywhere else.

I'm disgusted at what has happened to our ceramics industry once famous worldwide. I'll be buying British only from now on

Allen Hanley
I have no problem with the Indonesian workers. After all they are no different to any of us. They need jobs just the same.
My problem is with Wedgwood.They have proven quite conclusively that outsourcing is not the be all and end all.They have still gone to the wall after outsourcing 80% of their production, and have lost sales in the process.Wedgwood factories, most of them, were the most productive in the industry. They should have learnt to constrain their costs and invested more locally.Shame on them.

A big round of applause to Waterford Wedgwood; you stamped out Royla Doulton with the help of poor Wedgwood management and now you are stamping out Wedgwood. O'Reilly should be made to dig deep out of his millions and pay the agreed redundancy payments to the people whose lives they have blighted. He should also be made to pay the 拢400 million owed to suppliers and the banks. Lets hope we have the last laugh when he gets his just deserts!!!!!!
"Indonesia was built to attract other markets", what a lie. Royal Doulton sales fell after the transfer of production to Indonesia. The same will happen to Wedgwood. People want quality ware made in the UK, Unfortunately once production has transferred to Indonesia it will be too late to restore our once great brand names. Loyal ex Doulton employee.

Stephen Harvey
this is why the Wegwood brand is dead. they have destroyed their own brand by cheapening it with imitation workers and products. Cheap (BUY BRITISH)

ex potter
it makes you so angry to see them pictures.we worked in a factory that leaked in every where so much that we had to use bins to collect the rain fall in,it was dirty and cold.and now look at that gleaming floor and smart uniforms that are provided. we were lucky if toilet rolls were provided!!!
wedgwood should not be allowed to trade in indonisea when they owe so much much money to all the now Ex employees.as its been said before thats where our pay rise that never happened went for year after year and now our redundancy packages.all timed so well by co who can now enjoy themselves in the knowledge they shafted us all!!!!!!!!!!!

Rosie's Mum in Toronto
Well, I guess we won't be buying "made in Indonesia" Wedgewood. Wonder if the value of our "made in England" Wedgewood will grow?

Falling sales lower priced competition. Unfortuantly the old 'if you cant beat em join em" saying applies here. They have no other option, people do not want to pay $80US for a plate made in England anymore. Sad but true.

I cannot believe what I am seeing,well isn't it all so very nice.Absolutely disgusting,I work at Barlaston,and when it rains we have to put plastic up to keep it off us as we work,no money..don't make me laugh,now we all know that is a blatant lie.Don't buy Wedgwood that is made in Indonesia.What a giant kick in the teeth for all the loyal UK workers.

look at the beand new factory there - and the hole that is barlaston. you need water proofs to work in most of it when it rains. we all know were the severence money has gone, dont we


Maria - Christchurch New Zealand
The value of your products will prove its worth in time. Those items 'made in China', etc. will not have the long time value that those 'made in England'have. What's the phrase 'you cannot put the China back in China'!! A very sorry day.

Annie - Leipzig
So Wedgewood has decided to go cheap, cheerful and stack em up high - better revise that marketing strategy. I麓m one of those who "can" - so why would I want to pay high-quality prices on a product mass produced in the Asia, China, Indonesia etc? The answer I don`t. It麓s not even a question of loyalty, or heritage or made in Britain. It麓s a question of worth and value. I and my family are precisely the targets your products were designed for. Laughable Wedgewood - do you really think people like me are consumer fools!

tony flourish
Well looks like were finished in England i work for Wedgwood and wish we had this level of investment here . Wedgwood spend millions in the far east setting up shop but cant afford toilet rolls for the toilets in the UK i kid you not

David Williams
Who payed for this factory to be built Guess who the Wedgwood workers in England working at 4 miles an hour . if we can not compete any more its thanks to our government for giving us a high tax and high price economy just think how we could compete if you took away the fact our hand are tied behind our backs .

Well good for them - this really does rub salt into the wounds of the ex (English) Wedgwood workers. Some have given up to 50 years loyal service and now have to fight for a pitiful redundancy payout from the government that is capped at 20 years.

Linda - NYC
it's awful, heartbreaking!

annie mckrill-stokes
Is this a staff recruitment ad for the plant in Indonesia? All rather desperate and very sad considering the wonderful 250 year old history of Wedgwood and the many Staffordshire factories that have amalgamted in recent years. "Loyalty" is a word that seemed to disappear from our lives some 20 years ago.

Joan Cowan
Absolutely disgusting to see such a piece of English Heritage being pushed off to Indonesia. Will never buy any again.

Why would the 大象传媒 want to show this atrocity to the world? The 大象传媒 should be lauding the people of England and campaigning to take the business back to UK where it belongs. These people don't produce anything we want to buy - English bone china is made in England.

Brian Breeze
As an ex.potteries bloke living in New Zealand I will be spreading the gospel about not buying WEDGEWOOD.Its a disgrace.Yours B.Breeze.

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