Birches Head High School
You are in: Stoke & Staffordshire > Making Waves > Making Waves in 2006 > Birches Head High School | This site contains the work of the students from Birches Head High School... | 
 Ashleigh was invited behind the shiny black door of 11 Downing Street. Find out what happened here.. |  | 
 Nadia's dad is dependent on mobile phones to contact friends and relatives in Iraq... | 
 Robyn says she's fed up of the UK and now wants to become a US citizen... Listen to her story here. |  | 
 How well do you know your Grandparents? Beth wishes she could still communicate with her Grandma... | 
 Some songs talk to us more than others. What does your favourite music say to you?... |  | 
 Daniella remembers both her Grandparents clearly, and still has things to say... | 
 Football... Chelsea FC... Frank Lampard... These are all important things to Dominic. |  | 
 Robyn's second letter for Making Waves is to someone special - her Mum. Listen to it here... | 
 Most of us have got them, but why do we love our mobile phones so much?... |  | 
 In the days before phones and e-mail, the quickest way to send a message was by code... | |  |
|  | | You are in: Stoke & Staffordshire > Making Waves > Making Waves in 2006 > Birches Head High School |  |
