You are in: Stoke & Staffordshire > Making Waves > Making Waves 2005/2006 > Newcastle-under-Lyme | Students from Newcastle-under-Lyme School have chosen the theme of Lessons. What can we learn from people around us? What do adults wish they'd always known? What have we always meant to ask our parents? | 
 Grace and Aisha care about animal rights, but is all animal testing wrong?... Listen to their story. |  | 
 Melissa is the oldest of four children, but are first born children better or worse off?... | 
 Do you wear a charity wristband? Have they become a fashion accessory?... Find out here... |  | 
 Sandeep's uncle had ninety days to flee Uganda. What did he learn about people from the experience? | 
 Rosie has been a vegetarian since she was seven, but why? She tells her story here... |  | 
 Do you ever walk in your parents footsteps? Emma does, quite literally. Listen to her story... | 
 Major Mitchell was in WW2's Normandy Landings -What did war teach him about life? Danie finds out... |  | 
 Rosie's instrument is an 'endangered species'... Not many people can say that can they?... | 
 Do you ever walk in your parents footsteps? Emma does, quite literally. Listen to her story... |  | 
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|  | | You are in: Stoke & Staffordshire > Making Waves > Making Waves 2005/2006 > Newcastle-under-Lyme |  |
