
Watch again: Live Lesson video clips

This set of shorter video clips is taken from the Live Lesson programme and can be used to teach individual topics.

Music and the brain

Music and the brain

Learn how music affects the brain in this animation from the Ten Pieces Secondary Live Lesson.

Responding to music with poetry

Responding to music with poetry

Poet Lemn Sissay demonstrates how to write poetry in response to Bizet's Toreador Song.

Your students will need this downloadable activity sheet:

Composition with Gabriel Prokofiev and Mr Switch

Composition with Gabriel Prokofiev and Mr Switch

Exploring composition using everyday objects with Gabriel Prokofiev and Mr Switch.

Your students will need this downloadable activity sheet:

Responding to music with art

Responding to music with art

Street artist Stik tells us how he uses his environment and what he hears as inspiration.

Your students will need this downloadable activity sheet:

Watch the full Live Lesson

If you enjoyed these clips, catch up with this Live Lesson and learn more about music, composition, art and poetry.

Watch the full Live Lesson

Secondary Live Lessons

Find out more about our Live Lessons designed for secondary school students

Secondary Live Lessons

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