
Watch again: Live Lesson video clips

This set of shorter video clips is taken from the Live Lesson programme and can be used to teach individual topics.

World War One propaganda

World War One propaganda

Find out how war propaganda influenced the public with this brief dramatisation.

War letter

War letter

A dramatisation of a soldier's letter to his mother, written from the frontline.

End of the war

End of the war

A dramatisation of the end of the war and its impact on the British public.

Rupert Brooke - The Soldier

Rupert Brooke - The Soldier

Use Rupert Brooke's The Soldier as inspiration for writing your very own poetry with help from award-winning poet Paul Farley.

Your students will need this downloadable activity sheet:

Wilfred Owen - Dulce et Decorum Est

Wilfred Owen - Dulce et Decorum Est

Use Dulce et Decorum Est as inspiration for your own poetry with help from award-winning poet Paul Farley.

Your students will need this downloadable activity sheet:

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Siegfried Sassoon - Aftermath

Siegfried Sassoon - Aftermath

Take inspiration for your poetry from Siegfried Sassoon's Aftermath with help from poet Paul Farley.

Your students will need this downloadable activity sheet:

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Watch the full Live Lesson

If you enjoyed these clips, catch up with this Live Lesson and learn more about poetry and World War One

Watch the full Live Lesson

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