
Tips and ideas on how to use Moodboosters in lessons

Welcome to the wonderful world of Moodboosters!

Moodboosters have teamed up with ý Children in Need and children’s mental health charity stormbreak, to develop a series of fun, simple and interactive classroom activities to get your class moving for mental health and wellbeing.

Whether you're doing the activities in the classroom or at home, we've created this guide with ideas and tips on how Moodboosters can be used during the school day to help pupils understand and express their emotions and feelings, have fun and feel good.

Moodboosters classroom resources can be used for teaching primary school pupils age 5 -11 PSHE in England, Health and Wellbeing in Wales and Scotland, and PDMU in Northern Ireland, and to support with Ofsted, Estyn and Education Scotland requirements.

The guide includes:

  • What are Moodboosters?
  • What will you need?
  • How can moving for mental health benefit pupils?
  • Where can Moodboosters fit into the school timetable?
  • Curriculum links
  • Preparation

Watch highlights from Moodboosters

What are Moodboosters?

Moodboosters are a suite of short, interactive videos that can be used by your class to get active, whilst supporting mental health and wellbeing. Through simple and fun activities featuring famous faces, Moodboosters can help children understand and express their emotions and feelings.

The activities explore themes such as coping with feelings, respecting ourselves and others, and connecting with friends and family, under four different themes:

  • Connect activities focus on the importance of having fun, building relationships, and recognising pupils' value and worth.
  • Boost activities recognise the benefits of moving your body and help pupils bounce back from challenges they might face.
  • Recharge activities help pupils to be aware of their emotional triggers and how to respond to them in helpful ways.
  • Imagine activities are about nurturing imagination, a crucial part of a pupil's development. This enables them to try new things, be brave and have dreams and goals.

What will you need?

Moodboosters are fun, free activities designed for everyday use. They require no extra equipment and can be used flexibly during the school day in a classroom with minimal space.

The presenter of each Moodboosters video approaches the activity as though they are ‘with’ the children. The activities are directly led by the presenter, but with opportunities for pupils to get involved, to copy and repeat the actions, and add their own movement and imagination. Teachers can join in with the fun too!

Moodboosters characters

How can moving for mental health benefit pupils?

Moodboosters can encourage positive emotions and skills which can improve children’s engagement at school.

It can support schools to include mental health and wellbeing as an important feature of the curriculum and Ofsted school inspections. Moodboosters can form part of a wider school activity, helping to promote positive mental health and wellbeing.

Moodboosters movement is simple and accessible. Each activity encourages freedom and creativity, with easy instruction and no focus on attainment.

The combination of raised energy and hormone levels, and an increased connection with their peers and trusted adults, means pupils can develop healthy movement habits for life.

Where can Moodboosters fit into your daily timetable?

The activities are designed to be fluid and adaptable for the class timetable, particularly as part of health and wellbeing lessons or more flexibly just before (or after) breaks throughout the school day.

You can also choose a themed Moodboosters activity video that best meets the needs of your pupils in a particular moment of the school day, (i.e. Connect, Boost, Recharge and Imagine).

Children with arms in air
Children with hands on head

Curriculum links

Moodboosters classroom resources can be used for teaching primary school pupils age 5 -11 PSHE in England, Health and Wellbeing in Wales and Scotland, and PDMU in Northern Ireland, and to support with Ofsted, Estyn and Education Scotland requirements. They can be used to:

  • Acknowledge the benefits of physical health and exercise on mental wellbeing

  • Develop strategies for sharing feelings; learning to respond to different feelings, how to describe them and the importance of talking about feelings with others

  • Positively explore self-esteem and self-confidence

  • Show care, respect and understanding with others; relationships, friends, family, carers and teachers


Moodboosters activities have been carefully crafted with subject specialists to help children normalise big feelings, have fun and feel good.

We advise that teachers, parents or adults sharing a Moodboosters video with children watch the video first and assess the space available is suitable for accessibility requirements.

Teachers should ensure that the learning environment is safe and supportive for all pupils during viewing, especially when they are asked to share ideas, feelings and emotions.

Being sensitive: Sensitivity is important even if you are not aware of any existing personal circumstances in the class – always work on the basis that there is at least one child who may be vulnerable, or not feeling okay.

Following up: Make yourself available for pupils if they want to discuss anything with you afterwards, and ensure pupils know where else they can get support, both in and out of school.

Ensure you follow your school’s safeguarding and confidentiality policies and procedures; If you are unsure of the procedures, seek advice from your Designated Safeguarding Lead.

You can also contact the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000. For further details on establishing safe teaching and learning procedures, see guidance offered by the PSHE Association.

The Moodboosters classroom activities are based on the stormbreak approach and were developed by the stormbreak team in partnership with the ý.

More resources

Find out how your primary school can be part of an amazing day of fun and excitement

ý Children in Need

Explore more useful resources for children's mental health and wellbeing


Recharge. collection

Activities to help children become aware of the importance of self-care, whilst building resilience and recognising what makes them special.


Connect. collection

Fun, movement-based activities for children centring on relationships and how to recognise emotions in others through empathy.


Imagine. collection

Learning activities to promote creativity and optimism in children whilst encouraging them to use their imagination to envision their goals and aspirations.


Boost. collection

Energetic, movement-based activities promoting self-confidence in children by encouraging them to use movement and positive thinking to build self-esteem.
