
The giant has a bag of stolen money and Jack has a very good idea of how best to use it.

10. The bag of silver coins

The giant is reassured by his wife that there is no boy present and that he is just imagining things. The giant sits down to an enormous meal and then calls for his money. He counts out 100 silver coins and then falls asleep.

Jack comes out of his hiding place and the giant's wife explains that the money is stolen and that she would gladly return it to the rightful owners鈥f only she knew who they were. Jack tells her he knows many hungry villagers who need money for food.

So Jack takes the bag of silver coins and makes his way back down the beanstalk.


Download / print the Resource Pack (pdf)

Jack and the Beanstalk

Download / print the Resource Sheet: Describing words (pdf)

Resource Sheet 14

Sing with the full-vocal version of 'Fee-fi-fo-fum!'

9. Fee-fi-fo-fum! video

Jack knocks at the castle door and discovers that it is inhabited by giants!

9. Fee-fi-fo-fum!

11. The magic hen. video

The villagers celebrate...but soon the money runs low and Jack must return to the castle.

11. The magic hen

12. Golden eggs. video

Jack sees the hen lay a golden egg and knows how valuable it would be to the villagers.

12. Golden eggs