
In short

Themes: democracy; sharing your views; fair decision-making; majority; valuing one another鈥檚 opinions.

Summary: This assembly, which is suitable for an act of collective worship, focuses on an old folk tale called 'The Farmer鈥檚 Cart' which explores the theme of democracy and listening to the views of others.

Resources: The and an image to display . if your school has a school council display images of it for children to look at as they enter. If your school does not have a school council, images of locally elected representatives might be appropriate - eg MPs or Parish Councillors, etc.

The video

The story of The Farmer鈥檚 Cart is a fable. A fable is a story that has a moral or simple learning that can be applied to life.

This story focuses on the value of democracy and explores how important it is for everyone to have a chance to have their voice heard.

The farmer in the story has a cart for transporting milk. One day, the parts of the cart start to speak up about how they are feeling. Not all the parts are in agreement!

This fable can help us to reflect on the value of democracy and what can happen if we give everyone a chance to share their view and contribute to decision-making. It also touches on the idea that democracy means not everyone always gets what they want.

Video questions

  1. What amazing thing happened when the farmer was travelling? (One of the wheels started to talk)
  2. What did the wheel want to do? (Go faster)
  3. What was the handle tired of? (Being pulled)
  4. What did the bolt do to teach the wheel a lesson? (The bolt pushed until she popped out of the cart)
  5. What happened next? (The wheel fell off)

Key links

Download / print the assembly framework ready for use

Assembly framework (pdf)

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Suggested framework

1. Entry
As the children gather display the photos of school council / elected representatives.

2. Introduction
Ask children how these people were chosen. Discuss the way elections happen in your school and the different systems you have in place for children to share their views.The theme of this assembly is democracy. Gather some ideas from the children about what this means.Ask: I wonder if you can think of a time when you have had a chance to share your opinion? Did everyone agree? How did that make you feel?
Explain that everyone will watch a story now - see what happens when people share their views.

3. The video
Play the video. The duration is 4鈥 04鈥 and the final words are: 'See you again soon, bye!'

4. After the video - Time to talk
Lead a discussion about the story by asking all or some of the following questions:

  • What did you think when you heard the wheel speak?
  • What did you think about the wheel鈥檚 opinion?
  • Did you think everyone would agree with the wheel? Why?
  • Do you think the bolt was brave? Why?
  • How did you feel when the bolt shared her opinion?
  • Why do you think all the other parts of the cart started to speak up?
  • The bolt suggests the parts of the cart have a vote. What do you think of this idea? Why?
  • The wheel ignored the other parts of the cart and carried on moving. What words would you use to describe the wheel?

You could pause the video after Amy says 'So the bolt decided to teach the wheel a lesson' and ask the children what they think the bolt might do next. What happens when one part of the cart is not working or is in the wrong place?

5. Opportunity to sing
Suggestions from 大象传媒 collections below.

6. Opportunity for reflection
Close your eyes for a moment鈥
Think about a time when your view differed to the views of those around you鈥
Think about the story of 'The Farmer鈥檚 Cart' when the bolt spoke up against the wheel鈥
Now picture yourself feeling courageous and sharing your opinion, even though others may not hold the same view鈥
I wonder how you feel now鈥?
Next time you have a chance to share your view, have the courage to give it a go鈥ecause democracy means that everyone should have the chance to have their voice heard.

7. Opportunity for prayer
Begin with your usual form of address ('Dear God', 'Dear Lord', 'Let us pray', etc) and:
Thank you for the story of 'The Farmer鈥檚 Cart', teaching us the value of democracy.
Thank you that, even though we are small, our voice still matters.
Help us to remember that the views of those around us are important, especially if their views are different to our own.
If we know that something is wrong, give us the courage to speak up to make a positive change.

Suggested songs

'Our school' - All about our school, no 9 (漏 Kate Walker / 大象传媒)

'Together' (All about our school, no 13).

'Build up' (All about our school, no 12)