
2. Boudicca's victories

Boudicca leads the Iceni and the Trinovantes against the Roman forces at Camulodunum - modern-day Colchester - formerly the main city of the Trinovantes but now a Roman stronghold. Addedo, leader of the Trinovantes, urges Boudicca to show mercy; but Boudicca is determined to raise the city.

When Suetonius hears of the attack he sends a section of the 9th Legion to attack Boudicca, then heads to Londinium, modern-day London. But Boudicca's forces rout the Roman soldiers and then they pursue Suetonius to Londinium.

Suetonius decides that he does not have adequate forces to defend the city so he abandons it to Boudicca, thus ensuring that Londinium suffers the same fate as Camulodunum. Verulamium - modern-day Saint Albans - follows. Boudicca is at the height of her powers and seems unstoppable鈥

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2. Boudicca's victories - script (pdf)

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