Lewis Vaughan Jones 00:00:08:09Welcome to 大象传媒 News. Thanks very much for joining us. We'regonna start in the U.S. and specifically the U.S. city of Minneapoliswhich is bracing itself for a third night of unrest following thedeath of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man who died as he wasbeing held to the ground by police. The U.S. Justice Departmentand the FBI say they're giving top priority to their investigation intohis killing.
Efe Ezekiel 00:00:35:02In the summer of 2020, anti-racism protests and demonstrationstook place all over the world. They began following the death of aman called George Floyd in the United States after he was stoppedby the police. Four officers were sacked and later charged inconnection with his death. A lot has happened since; from proteststo conversations about racism. What did this mean to young peoplein the UK?
Edie 00:01:04:01Because it was filmed and 'cause of social media everyone in theworld sees it and it's almost like people don't have a chance to havean opinion. It's just so shocking, it's so in your face. Which isunfortunate something like that needed to happen to start a hugemovement.
Cassius 00:01:25:23Quite exhilarating. I went with my friend and it wasn't all justabout, you know, the political aspect of it. It was about justembracing you know, with other people who support the same ideasas you. And it was it was all very interesting. And there's a lot ofpeople who aren't black supporting the cause and that was a verynice to see. It was a good day.
Efe Ezekiel 00:01:58:11The Black Lives Matter protests were large shows of support foranti-racism. The media coverage has also led to lots ofconversations among people's families and friends.
Aba 00:02:11:01But when you make it sound like it's a worldwide issue, because it'shappening to many Black people all over the world feelingmarginalisation, feeling otherness, and make it a global issue, thenit's something that's going to be talked about. And I think what theBLM movement has really helped with is really helped that call outculture, it's really help that accountability culture. I've had manytough conversations with my friends, but we were able to speakabout it and they were able to understand from my perspective.Because even if you can't understand it, as a friend and you need tohave that tolerance of trying to.
Aba 00:02:46:14One thing I would suggest to the younger generation is just toeducate yourself. I think education is one of the things that cannever be taken away from you and I believe that if there's anythingyou don't understand or something you want to read more on,that's something you could take yourself away to go online, to goon the internet to use those resources through books, or yeah theinternet, to kind of search 'What does this mean?', 'Why would itaffect me?' because I think that really helps because once youbecome more educated on a topic, you're able to speak on itbecause personally I don't like speaking on things I don't know. Soonce I hold information someone tells me I'm going to do theresearch, then I educate myself and I understand it. And that's oneof the pieces of advice I would give.