
You might naturally find yourself teaching your baby to take turns as you play with them - but did you realise that it's such a key part of their early language learning?

Dr Guddi Singh explains why and outlines some turn taking activity ideas in the video below.

The benefits of turn taking with your baby

  • Waiting for your baby to respond shows them you're paying attention and encourages them to make more noises.

  • Turn taking is great practice for conversations as they get used to waiting and listening for you to respond and then taking a turn themselves. This is just like the back and forth of a chat between two people.

  • Waiting their turn helps build their listening and anticipation skills.

A dad and his daughter playing with a stuffed rabbit toy.
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You could practise taking turns by passing a toy back and forth and saying the name of who is holding the toy.

How to encourage turn taking

Play repetitive games with your baby. The more they learn the pattern of play, the more they'll anticipate what happens next and be ready to take their turn.

When baby babbles to you, copy their babble right back to them. This shows them that you're paying attention and will encourage them to make more sounds.

A dad and his daughter playing with a stuffed rabbit toy.
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You could practise taking turns by passing a toy back and forth and saying the name of who is holding the toy.

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