
The more you name the different parts of the face and point them out, the quicker your little one will learn them.

Check the video below for some ideas on how to use teddies, your own face and your baby's face to teach them the different names for their eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

The benefits of naming facial features for baby

  • The more your baby hears the names of different parts of the face, the quicker they'll understand and be able to use the words correctly
  • Seeing the words used for the same things in different contexts will help them realise that words like 'nose' all refer to the same things, so try taking turns naming 'baby's nose', 'daddy's nose'. You could also try 'teddy's nose'!
  • Feeling your touch helps strengthen their understanding that you're naming parts of their own face and is great for boosting happy hormones

How to talk about faces with baby

  • Name all the parts of your baby's face, touching or pointing to them as you go.
  • Repeat over and over and take in turns to name parts of baby's face and then the same parts of your own face.
  • When your baby understands the words, you could test them by asking them 'where is daddy's nose?'
  • You could try this with a teddy too - why not try acting out 'washing' the different parts of teddy's face?

More games to teach babies about the body

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, A little girl showing her dad the ear of her teddy., The more you repeat and point out different parts of the face, the quicker your child will learn them.

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