
It's easy to forget, but babies' vision is not at all like that of adults - at least not for the first few months anyway.

This is because their eyes are still developing. As they get older, their eyes are able to do more and more.

When and what can babies see?

For the first two months of their life, babies can only really see and focus on things that are close to them. As they grow, they will begin to recognise faces.

Once your baby gets to around three months old, they will start to focus on things further away and will follow moving objects or look at shiny decorations or lights.

By the time a baby reaches around five months, they're able to see in real detail, full colour and 3D. The more they see and hear the stronger those brain connections get.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 6, A baby lying down with mum at the side of the mat, everything far away is blurry., For the first 2 months of their lives, babies can only focus on close objects.

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