
Pop Wallpaper
How To Use TOTP Wallpaper

Windows Users
1. Check your screen size. All you have to do is find a blank space on your desktop, and use the right-hand mouse button to click on it. A menu will appear, and you want the 'PROPERTIES' option. This opens a new window which has several tab options at the top, select 'SETTINGS' and you will see your current screen size in the bottom right-hand corner.

2. Choose the appropriate Windows link for your screen size from the options on the TOTP Pop Wallpaper page. This will launch a browser window which contains your chosen picture at the relevant size.

3. Use the right-hand button on your mouse to select the picture, then pick the 'SET AS WALLPAPER' option from the menu which appears

4. You now have your very own TOTP Pop Wallpaper. No licking the screen!

Mac OS Users
1. Check your screen size. Go to the APPLE menu, select 'CONTROL PANELS' and then 'MONITORS & SOUND'. This will bring up a new window, which tells you how big your screen is.

2. Choose the appropriate link for your screen size from the TOTP Pop Wallpaper page. Press CTRL and then click on the image with your mouse. This will launch a menu.

3. Internet Explorer users, choose 'DOWNLOAD LINK TO DISC', Netscape users choose 'SAVE THIS LINK AS...'. Both users should choose to save the link to your desktop.

4. Having saved the file, open it from your desktop. This will leave you with two files. The file which has a .pic suffix should be moved to a folder just inside your hard drive called 'WALLPAPER'. If you don't already have such a folder, you may have to make one. Throw the file with the .sea away.

5. Finally, go to the APPLE menu, select 'CONTROL PANELS' and then 'DESKTOP PICTURES'. This will bring up a new window, within which you want to select the 'PICTURE' button. If you can now see a 'SELECT PICTURE' button, choose that and go to the 'WALLPAPER' file where you saved your .pic file. Select the file you want as your wallpaper, click on 'OPEN', and then the 'SET DESKTOP' button.

If there is a 'REMOVE PICTURE' button instead of 'SELECT PICTURE', choose this and it will erase your current desktop choice. The 'SELECT PICTURE' button will then appear, and you can follow the instructions from there. 6. You now have your very own TOTP Pop Wallpaper. Remember to wipe the screen after kissing it!
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