Great North Run storiesYou are in: Tyne > Great North Run > Great North Run - your stories  David Dunscombe ran GNR 2008 to raise funds for a hospice that helped his father.  Robert Cummins was inspired to run GNR 2008 by thoughts of his stepdad and nan.  Kevin Clarke ran Great North Run 2008 in memory of his god-daughter who died of leukaemia.  Sandy Norrie ran Great North Run 2008 after his wife was treated for breast cancer.  GNR 2007 turned into a family reunion for Kim Bowler who ran again in 2008.  Lydia Strachan was inspired to run after watching coverage of the Great North Run.  Diagnosed with breast cancer at just 24, Melissa Evans is running after being given the all clear.  Meet the County Durham man who's running the last mile of this famous half marathon barefoot.  Niki Wilson decided to do the Great North Run after a friend's daughter died of leukaemia.  Tim Richardson did the Great North Run after cycling from Gibraltar to Newcastle.  Kristie Kinghorn has fond memories of the Great North Run after her grandad ran it 16 times.  Ben Macdonald is running GNR 08 for Leukaemia Research, after being diagnosed in 2001.  Every year thousands make their Great North Run debuts and in 2008 Matt Newsum is one of them.  Debbie Robertson and her family are all taking part in the Great North Run weekend. More from this sectionYou are in: Tyne > Great North Run > Great North Run - your stories |