Dwy Ynys / Dau Hanes
"Peth rhyfedd yw'r ysfa ynom i gasglu cregyn." It's a strange urge within us that compels us to collect shells.
Someone is Watching Over Me
"Ever since I was little me and my Granddad have been close." Rhian Williams from Yale College.
Brushes with Time
"But the feeling that the holiday would be soon over persisted." A theatre set designer swaps a home in the big city for a lifetime holiday in Wales.
My Love for Ynysowen
"I took a deep breath and fell in love." Ynysowen is a valley that has been living and changing over the years and for Sheila it's never lost its beauty.
The Quilt
"Was she still alive? Did she know me?" Delyth goes in search for her cousin Susan over the Great Atlantic.