Browse though this collection of videos about what our filmmakers find important. From football to family, to foraging in skips, our values vary from one to another.
I Was There
"It was alright to have nothing, if everyone else had nothing too." Paula portrays her experiences of the Miners' Strike in 1984. She was there, were you?
That's Jan
"Boring or sensible housewife? It depends on how you look at it." John helps his wife while out searching for treasures in skips.
Lighting a Candle for Peace
"My candle for peace has never gone out." Mary Millington tells us a story about how she lived and protested at Greenham Common for five years.
My Other Mother
"As a young child, I took it for granted that Willy was always there." Suzanne has taken memories of her 'other mother' on a remarkable journey.
"Too many searches for too many heavens." Phil takes a look at the overwhelming choices that comes his way.
Turn Your Anger Into Action
"I hate people moaning about things and then not doing anything about it."