Stuey Five Toes
Name: Stuart Scott
Age: 32
Job: Rapid prototype team leader
Years Surfing: 7 or 8 years
Habitat: Mainly Caerphilly, with the odd trip back to Yorkshire
Boards: 4
Quiver: Neil Perrow 6'4" short board, STIFF surf co (my own make) 6'7" Short board, Guts 9'2" mal & STIFF 9'2" mal.
Local Break: Rest Bay, Coney and the other place!
Places Surfed: South and North Wales, a lot of the South West, Yorkshire, NZ, Bali (a little) and a few select point breaks in Oz
Favourite Surf Films: Big Wednesday, Endless summer and Blue crush for obvious reasons!
Worst Wipeout: A near drowning experience at Rest bay in a large swell, due to not paying attention to the size change between low and high tide!! It got big quick and I ended up sat in 1ft of water wondering where I was.
Favourite Manoeuvre: Hanging five, doing the twist and my newest manoeuvre - drop knee cut backs.
Worst Surfing Habit: Entering WCSC comps, drinking too much the night before and forgetting to turn up!
Best Surfing Experience: Minute long rides on head high + faces from a point to the beach in Oz, with only a few others and the dolphins for company.
Weirdest Surfing Experience: Hanging five down the line at Llangenith for what seemed like forever, only to narrowly avoid running over a grining, cheering Guts Griffiths!!!
Other Interests: Mountain biking, Climbing, visiting