
What can be done for the homeless at Christmas?

| Friday, 12 Dec. 2010 | 18:00 - 19:10 GMT

For those who celebrate it around the world, Christmas is usually a time to head home to the family and gather together.

However, for some - namely the homeless - that is just not possible.

The Christmas Eve edition of World Have Your Say will be live from the Centrepoint homeless hostel in central London.

Your comments

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    Merry Christmas to everyone, including our guests on today''s show, and our blog community from all at WHYS.

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    Guests on the show talking about their hopes for the New Year: Sala, wants go get a full time job and Sophia wants to go to university.

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    Daniel in New York posts on Facebook: These stories are remarkable, however, I would be curious to know the details of the some of the family issues and were there ever any instances where the young people in the UK had to make any extreme actions to survive, or any criminal activities. What dangers have they experienced, if any?

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    Michael in Montana on FB: Seven months ago, I lost my home and job due to heart surgery. Last week, I finally got back to work and have a place to stay. I appreciate the support network I had through the Veterans' Association. It gave me a place to live while I recovered, otherwise I would have been on the streets. Those with jobs and homes cannot imagine!

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    I have every sympathy with the Homeless, having been in that position myself for a time, but I note that all those who mentioned problems with their families always blamed the family never themselves. Eamonn in Kent.

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    A guest in Florida, Curtis says that when he lost his mother it hit him very badly. And it is so hard to know what it''s like on the streets out in all weathers.

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    People say that christmastime is a time for giving, but the only giving most people do is to people who already have. Shame on us. Savannah from Jamaica.

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    Amaz in Monrovia called to ask: Most people in Africa are homeless because of war and have no hope of re-uniting with their parents. Are the people in London contemplating re-uniting with their parents or would they prefer to stay in the refuge?

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    Sam on FB: I think people should focus on solving poor peoples problems this holiday season rather than spending colossal amounts of cash on themselves and their families.

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    One of our guests, Rafael, says there are two kinds of families: the kind that help and support and the kind that bring you down.

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    WHYS is broadcasting from a homeless hostel in London and we''ll hear from homeless people in different parts of the world. If you have any questions or comments - get in touch.