
Mubarak steps down

| Friday, 2 Feb. 2011 | 18:06 - 19:00 GMT

After 18 days of protest in Egypt, President Hosni Mubarak has stepped down. The announcement happened at approximately 1600 GMT. The army will now take control.

Your comments

  1. Comment sent via Twitter

    @大象传媒_WHYS To western countries that supported his regime. Its an egg on their face they shouldn't talk. Its their fault he stayed that long

  2. Comment sent via Twitter

    @大象传媒_WHYS A true victory to have that scumbag overthrown!!! Aisha Afghanistan

  3. Comment sent via SMS

    Congratulations Egypt, well done.

  4. Comment sent via BLOG

    Dan on the blog - They fought, they stood up to intimidation and repression, and they won. Bravo courageous and proud Egyptian people !

  5. Comment sent via SMS

    Coby in Entebbe, Uganda; Who said you can鈥檛 put the genie back into the bottle? All that is needed is the heavy hand of the Egyptian army to bash the democratic genie right back into the bottle!

  6. Comment sent via SMS

    Happy birthday Egypt. I can feel the wind of change across the Northern and Eastern Africa. OVIE ATADEDE IN LAGOS

  7. Comment sent via Twitter

    @大象传媒_WHYS former president Hosni Mubarak did the right thing by giving his ppl what they wanted

  8. Comment sent via SMS

    Let hope that this is a new begining and relation not only for Egypt for the Arab world. From MANSOUR of Monrovia.

  9. Comment sent via Facebook

    Armando in Jo'burg on Facebook - I'm overcome with emotion, today 21 years ago the greatest man of our time Mr Nelson Mandela was released from 27 years in prison. The 11th February 1990 was South Africa's first day of freedom! Today our African brothers and sisters in Egypt can taste freedom.

  10. Comment sent via Twitter

    @大象传媒_WHYS It's such great day for the people of #Egypt a day similar to #NelsonMandela stepping into freedom here at home! For Africa!

  11. Comment sent via Twitter

    @大象传媒_WHYS I'm just back from Cairo! The west needs to stop obsessing about Muslim Brotherhood - the Egyptians have no tolerance for them!

  12. Comment sent via Twitter

    @大象传媒_WHYS A revolution is more than kicking someone out of power, its about transformation into a better system. Next comes the hard part.

  13. Comment sent via BLOG

    Zeinab in Iraq on the blog - Congrats Egyptians.. well done, you are free now. i'm so happy for you... it's the fruit of your great work, actually i'm speechless.

  14. Comment sent via BLOG

    Ibrahim in the UK on the blog - Congratulation to the people of Egypt for deposing a tyrant through peaceful protest. But the regime is not one man.

  15. Comment sent via host

    Hello - it''s Ben S again. We''re live now with all your reaction to the news that Egypt''s president Hosni Mubarak has stepped down.