
On air at 1700GMT: Should President Obama be visiting Ground Zero today?

| Thursday, 5 May 2011 | 18:00 - 19:00 GMT

Later today, the American President Barack Obama plans to visit Ground Zero in New York City to lay a wreath in memory of the victims of the 9/11 attacks. It comes on the heels of the killing of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan.

Obama's supporters say the visit is fitting and appropriate. His opponents say it has more to do with politics than compassion.

What do you think?

Republican strategist Brad Blakeman lost his nephew on 9/11. He says today's visit is a mistake.

"It's certainly not an anniversary; it's not a cause for celebration. It's manufacturing an event and he's doing this because he's a candidate for President in 2012."

But on Facebook, Scott Olsen disagrees.

"It's our President bringing to a close a chapter in our nation's history. It is a right and honourable thing for him to do."

In an article on today's POLITICO website, Maggie Haberman and Glenn Thrush discuss President Obama's Ground Zero balancing act.

What do you think? Is it an inappropriate politicking victory lap - or a fitting tribute to the many families who lost loved ones?

We'd very much like to hear from you.

Your comments

  1. Comment sent via Facebook

    Elizabeth in New York I work a few blocks from the World Trade Center. The only thing the President's visit will do is snarl traffic and inconvenience New Yorkers. Stay in Washington Mr. President. We have enough problems.

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    Khan in Cameroon It's a good thing for Obama to visit Ground Zero because the death of Osama Bin Laden is a political victory for him. He's a very fortunate president.

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    Kenneth in Malaysia called to say Obama has done a great job. He has every right to rejoice. I say 'good for him'.

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    Umeed posts on the 大象传媒 World Service Facebook page Clumsy dirty politics and electoral exploitation. Obama is following footstep of his predecessor war criminal Bush.

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    James posts on the 大象传媒 World Service Facebook page Clumsy and unsensitive political and electoral exploitation.... Honestly, Obama has disappointed me greatly.....

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    Agbaj in Nigeria If his visit is political, he's got the right to do so, equally, if the visit is on compassion grounds he's got the right to do so too. The republicans shouldn't over blow their trumpet lest it will throw them out of balance.

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    Deron in Jamaica posts on our Facebook page What can you do to please people? If you stand some say sit, if you say yes, some say no. Whatever Obama does, there will be a backlash .....he should be at Ground Zero.

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    Kevin in Singapore called to say Obama doesn't have the right to celebrate what is essentially the murder of a sick old man, even if he is a criminal. He shouldn't be at Ground Zero.

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    Meredith in Oregon The recent events will have dredged up the worst memories the victims' families have ever had. Why shouldn't the president comfort them now?

  10. Comment sent via Twitter

    @大象传媒_WHYS if #obama is not going to saw us the trophy ( #obl death pictures) why is he celibrating it then? Is pathetic!!

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    Kobi in Cameroon Obama is a human and obviously shares the grief of all the Americans involved in september 11th attack. His visit is not about politics but compassion.

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    Linda in Maryland The problem I have with the visit is that it is not consistent with his statements, related to releasing the photo, that we do not want to be viewed as 'gloating' over the death.

  13. Comment sent via BLOG

    Gary in Indiana Everything every politician does is political - every wreath-laying, baby-kissing, rubber-chicken eating public ordeal. If he can find a ride he can be there and opposing politicians can wail about it. It's a free country.

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    Jim in Virginia Partisan politicos and commentators criticise every move Obama makes. I think him laying a wreath at ground zero is fitting and I applaud the fact that he is meeting privately with 9/11 families.

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    John in Milwaukee I think he should go, but his people should make sure that the site recognises not only the American flag, but the flags of all foreign nationals who lost their lives that day.

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    Roy in Oklahoma posts Why shouldn't he visit Ground Zero? It's a sacred site, politics shouldn't enter into whether it's appropriate to visit. It's not a victory lap, more a way of telling the deceased victims "See? We didn't forget."

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    Solomon in Uganda I think Obama should visit ground zero because he has done a very good job for america and the entire world. Osama was a threat for the last decade.

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    Hawa in Liberia posts He has the right to visit at anytime he wishes, and this time is no exception. Those Republicans are scared, that's why they're making a big fuss.

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    Msanjufu in Uganda It has meaning at all. The war is not over, or close to over, it need to be finished before this kind of gesture will mean anything.