
Pakistan Taliban claim revenge for Bin Laden

| Friday, 5 May 2011 | 16:00 - 17:00 GMT

Our two main guests on TV today will be:

Jan Egeland, form UN head of humanitarian affairs. Many of you will have heard him speak to the ´óÏó´«Ã½ and other media over the years.

Nick Kristof of the New York Times who over a million of you follow on twitter.

You'll have seen in the news that at least 80 people have been killed at paramilitary force academy in north-west Pakistan. Many of you expected Islamists to respond to Bin Laden's death and now that revenge is here (though it's worth noting that the Pakistan Taliban have a track record of claiming attacks they did not carry out). All of which pushes the issue of how Pakistan should tackle Islamist extremism to the top of the agenda. Though, to be honest, it was already there in the wake of Bin Laden's death. We'll talk through the issues.

Also, make time to read the BBC's Owen Bennett Jones on the situation in Pakistan. Another excellent piece.

France wants the rules changes in the EU so that in exceptional circumstances the borders can be closed to refugees. At the moment, there is free movement. This has come to a head because of the number of Tunisians arriving in Italy and moving on. And it looks like the EU is going to agree to the idea. Is that a reasonable response, or should the EU be more welcoming to those in need?

You can post questions and points for Jan Egeland on any of the humanitarian issues that have been created by the unrest of the Arab Spring.

Your comments

  1. Comment sent via SMS

    Why should the US trust the ISI? They have played us long enough for the ?billions we’ve sent them to combat the terrorists which have threatened them too.

  2. Comment sent via SMS

    To blame Obama is crazy. These people live to kill.

  3. Comment sent via SMS

    Ask your listeners Who executed the attack? Does the US have control over them? They have always attacked innocents. Look what happened to our Emassy in 78’.

  4. Comment sent via SMS

    Noor orginally from afghanistan liveing in in sydney australia.i agree with the lady from india.most of the alqeada lives in pakistan.and the pakistan govronment always help taliban to keep the war in afghanistan.the best slution is to start bombing pakistan.if they realy want to end alqaeda.

  5. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @´óÏó´«Ã½_WHYS It seems too many pakistani's rather protest the west, christians and believe conspiracy theories than admit and fight extremism

  6. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @´óÏó´«Ã½_WHYS Obl's death has just paused the worst security threat to evry person outside arab world. Dickson. frm uganda

  7. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    RT @´óÏó´«Ã½_WHYS: We're live on air: Has the death of Osama bin Laden made the world a safer place? Listen here:

  8. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @bbc_whys the world should listen to the 450000 stood and supported government #Bahrain

  9. Comment sent via SMS

    We want the arab world to change but peacefully not with war like iraq and afghanistan.we don’t want the killing of innocent civilians and money being wasted. Mr Abubakar

  10. Comment sent via SMS

    Shame on the Syrian government for killing their own people! Joanne, New Zealand.

  11. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @bbc_whys all people of #Bahrain are supporting the gov. Lulu protesters are terrorist killed expats and policemen

  12. Comment sent via SMS

    Malta is taking the most of immigrants proportion to the population and yesterday no european country support us.

  13. Comment sent via SMS

    Why is US supporting the rebels in Libya? Is it a re-do of taliban in afghanistan? Are we going to see a new Libyan taliban after americans leave these rebels on their own. (Ali Kazmi- Pakistan)

  14. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @´óÏó´«Ã½_WHYS Bahrain is fighting a media war with the opposition, many lies as a result, unfair to judge without seeing the true picture #WHYS

  15. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @´óÏó´«Ã½_whys Typically US would class Libyan rebels as terrorists but now they're invited to the White House. Double standards anyone? #whys

  16. Comment sent via SMS

    bbc- have your say you will not show this sms because my view is that usa is the only country in the world to has dropped nuclear bombs on innocent civilians ( nagasaki and hirshimi) Hence USA is without question the biggest terrorist threat to the world . whereas before i believed u i have now realizedthat western media is just a propagamda machine and is completely biased.

  17. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @´óÏó´«Ã½_WHYS The Pakistani leaders need to get their act and do their hardest to combat the Taliban etc, before they ruin Pakistan comepletly.

  18. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @´óÏó´«Ã½_WHYS The US kills Bin Laden, but it's Pakistan that has to suffer the Taliban's revenge? Where's the justice in that? #whys

  19. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @´óÏó´«Ã½_WHYS the Arab world would not cope with democracy... It is simply beyond their culture and way of life...

  20. Comment sent via SMS

    Killing Osama bin Laden will not end the WAT, it will prolong it as intended. Just like Israelis shooting a small Palestinian boy in his father’s arms to perpetuate the profitable war and justify taking Palestinian land for illegal Israeli settlements. The most appaling thing is the ´óÏó´«Ã½ perpetuating the official representation. Stuart. NZ

  21. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @bbc_whys Pak & US govts keep on working together with mutual mistrust US need to move out of Pak & help as per requirement of pak govt