
Can you have too much religious freedom?

| Monday, 8 Aug. 2010 | 18:04 - 19:04 GMT

Two weeks ago we discussed whether to put the ground zero mosque story on the air. The only thing that was stopping us was that the initial spike in interest in the story had been the week before. In the end we decided we run with it, and here we are now with the debate getting bigger by the day. We should've known that journalist's pre-occupation with avoiding 'old' stories is not shared by most of you.

Your comments

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    CheMdjaliwo Benedicion Masambuka - This is an era were,freedom aids murder..but we have no choice but aim for humanity to be free..freedom in the USA Tolerates almost all to some extent,their are a few

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    Melissa C on the blog - I am an AMERICAN and my ancestors fought and died for religious freedom. The second we start making exceptions to our freedoms the extremists have won.

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    Issa Mahat - Guys why dOnt we try tO divOrce our emOtions from this rather useless debate...with all these emotions am afraid a bigger danger is being created which is pushing moslem moderates into buying the propaganda and fear that the extremists feed on

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    Jackson Rhea - I think if these people are so oppsed to this masque, which mind you is not literally at ground zero, they should collect the funds to out bid this muslim group, buy the site in question for themselves and build a 9/11 memorial community center or museum or what have you and then find something more useful to do with their free time.

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    Deus Tusubira - It would be absurd if a mosque was to be constructed. it would be a triumph of the perpetrators of the terrorist act.

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    Kaggwa Myga Andrew - For real a mosque is likely to re-open already healed wounds.

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    Just a reminder of today''s questions: can you have too much religious freedom, and what is it like to live in a violent city?

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    We''re live on air now from Montreal. You can listen here:

  9. Comment sent via BLOG

    Adam J Carroll on the blog - If it were Christian Extremists that had executed the 9/11 attacks would there be the same outrage if a YMCA (the christian equivalent of what is being purposed and are all over the US)? No, there is nothing like the xenophobia present in the US.

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    Chintan in Houston on the blog - Unless we in the USA are planning to change how this religious freedom is defined and have zoning laws with respect to religious places being constructed what will this bickering from both sides achieve? The bigoted demagogues on both sides are using this as a political point and in fact dividing this country.

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    Nahda Shehada - I don’t know why I feel that this becomes an exaggerated matter. It serves no objective except giving attention to two stupid ideologists.

  12. Comment sent via SMS

    Its not a question of too much religious freedom, we have too much religion. Simon Florence Italy. Call me

  13. Comment sent via BLOG

    Andrew Stamford on the blog - If religion is supposed to be about love, kindness and consideration of others, ANY religion, then shouldn't and in this case the islamic group in question, be sensitive to the feelings of Americans who are connected to the WTC site?

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    Iqbal Al-Shayji - It's a very tricky situation, indeed. I'm a Muslim and I denounce and condemn what happened on 9/11. This is not Islam and, by no means, jihad as some extremists claim.

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    Mervin Huang - We hate terrorism, but it has nothing to do with mosques. So you can build it anywhere legally.