Are industrial accidents an inevitable part of modern economies?
Wednesday, 10 Oct. 2010
|18:06 - 19:00 GMT
Two things have come out of the toxic sludge spill in Hungary. First you are very interested in hearing from those affected. And second, amongst the condemnation there have been discussion of whether we have to accept that some accidents, though of course the minimum possible, are inevitable.
The majority of national economies are industrialised and our desire for the products and lifestyle that comes with that makes any alternative unthinkable. Are accidents like this a regrettable consequence?
Is that all for now? Yes it is. Will we be back tomorrow? Yes we will. What will we talk about? We don''t know - that''s your call - drop us a line at
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Jack on Facebook - The rules should apply to her as they would anyone else
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Peter on Facebook - How come Andy Flower isn't being deported too? Does he have to win the Ashes first?
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Blaise Buma on Facebook - It's just like the mosque debate in New York. The law is on the side of the builders, but should they build? For Gamu, the law is against her, but should she be allowed to stay because of her popularity and talent?
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Guido on the blog - Where is her home? She spend half her life in the UK.
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PC Hitman on the blog - Its a great shame as she could have won it and shame on cheryl for not putting her through.
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And we''re onto our last topic - the potential deportation of Gamu, a singer from the UK''s X-Factor show.
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Michael Caudill on Facebook - Targeting the health and education of children is good, but encouraging irresponsibility is not.
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Alex R on the blog - Tax payers should be encouraged to have children, as today's children will be the future taxpayers who will pay taxes for keeping the older generation comfortable in old age by paying for state pensions and healthcare. Children are very costly to bring up.
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Roy in Washington on the blog - If you can't afford children, don't have them. As a taxpayer, it is not my responsibility to pay for your decisions (or mistakes, if they were unplanned)
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Adnan Ahmad on Facebook - Having a child is a personal choice. I don't think taxpayers should finance other people's personal choices.
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Wallace Ryan on Facebook -. There's enough reproduction going on without having to encourage it. Global warming is caused by human activity - so we need less humans on this planet.
Comment sent via YOURSAY
Steve Williams emailed the 大象传媒 - As a single gay man & tax payer. With all the best will in the world, I am never going to get pregnant. So, why should my taxes go to pay people who choose (as there is a choice) to have children?
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Linda from Italy on the blog - While it may not seem fair to give it universally, it actually usually costs less in admin costs to dole it out to all rather than means test it with all the paperwork and checking that entails.
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Vince Ong'udi on Facebook - women must be paid to give birth to sustain the nation - period!
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Tom D Ford on the blog - Conservative Republicans make a huge amount of money from the "Privatized" US Prison system, so obviously they benefit from preventing community help to raise children.
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Mike in Seattle on the blog - Having children does not entitle anyone to free money - it entitles the child to resources it is not able to acquire itself.
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It''s our third topic now - child benefit, and the principle that with every child comes a cost - and whether governments should help with that.
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Kilo Koma on Facebook - As far as the media is concerned, yes the West is winning. But what about every other incident we do not hear about? I feel the overall stats are exaggerated by the media
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Sheiza Bob on Facebook - No! No! No! I dn't think the west win's the war against terror. They are just renewing the contract!
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Nadene Ghouri on Facebook - look at the row over the 911 mosque and the french burqa ban. the war on terror has left all our nations more not less divided, and those divisions equal danger ahead
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said it before & i'll say it again how happy i am my speakers work so i can tune into @大象传媒_WHYS :)
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Jiban on Facebook - Terrorism is ever-growing now, and there is no way anyone could possibly think that the world is getting safer.
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Denise in San Francisco emailed - Maybe if Europe and the United States kept its nose out of the Middle East, terrorism would abate. No country likes to be occupied or invaded. We need to stop supporting repressive regimes such as Saudi Arabia and Israel
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Gary in Indiana on the blog - It is a curious thought that anyone could win a war when everyone ends up with less than they started. This one isn’t being won either and it needs reinforced this conclusion applies to both sides
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Nigel on the blog - I'm not even sure they know who their enemies are, how they think and what the so called war means to the world outside of Europe and the US.
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Allison in LA on the blog - How do we determine who is winning? Does anyone feel safe now than than did 9 years ago? I know I don't.
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We''re now moving on to talk about the recent run of stories involving al Qaeda. Do they indicate that the West is winning the war against its enemies?
Are industrial accidents an inevitable part of modern economies?
| Wednesday, 10 Oct. 2010 | 18:06 - 19:00 GMT
Two things have come out of the toxic sludge spill in Hungary. First you are very interested in hearing from those affected. And second, amongst the condemnation there have been discussion of whether we have to accept that some accidents, though of course the minimum possible, are inevitable.
The majority of national economies are industrialised and our desire for the products and lifestyle that comes with that makes any alternative unthinkable. Are accidents like this a regrettable consequence?
Your comments
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Is that all for now? Yes it is. Will we be back tomorrow? Yes we will. What will we talk about? We don''t know - that''s your call - drop us a line at
Comment sent via Facebook
Jack on Facebook - The rules should apply to her as they would anyone else
Comment sent via Facebook
Peter on Facebook - How come Andy Flower isn't being deported too? Does he have to win the Ashes first?
Comment sent via Facebook
Blaise Buma on Facebook - It's just like the mosque debate in New York. The law is on the side of the builders, but should they build? For Gamu, the law is against her, but should she be allowed to stay because of her popularity and talent?
Comment sent via BLOG
Guido on the blog - Where is her home? She spend half her life in the UK.
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PC Hitman on the blog - Its a great shame as she could have won it and shame on cheryl for not putting her through.
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And we''re onto our last topic - the potential deportation of Gamu, a singer from the UK''s X-Factor show.
Comment sent via Facebook
Michael Caudill on Facebook - Targeting the health and education of children is good, but encouraging irresponsibility is not.
Comment sent via BLOG
Alex R on the blog - Tax payers should be encouraged to have children, as today's children will be the future taxpayers who will pay taxes for keeping the older generation comfortable in old age by paying for state pensions and healthcare. Children are very costly to bring up.
Comment sent via BLOG
Roy in Washington on the blog - If you can't afford children, don't have them. As a taxpayer, it is not my responsibility to pay for your decisions (or mistakes, if they were unplanned)
Comment sent via Facebook
Adnan Ahmad on Facebook - Having a child is a personal choice. I don't think taxpayers should finance other people's personal choices.
Comment sent via Facebook
Wallace Ryan on Facebook -. There's enough reproduction going on without having to encourage it. Global warming is caused by human activity - so we need less humans on this planet.
Comment sent via YOURSAY
Steve Williams emailed the 大象传媒 - As a single gay man & tax payer. With all the best will in the world, I am never going to get pregnant. So, why should my taxes go to pay people who choose (as there is a choice) to have children?
Comment sent via BLOG
Linda from Italy on the blog - While it may not seem fair to give it universally, it actually usually costs less in admin costs to dole it out to all rather than means test it with all the paperwork and checking that entails.
Comment sent via Facebook
Vince Ong'udi on Facebook - women must be paid to give birth to sustain the nation - period!
Comment sent via BLOG
Tom D Ford on the blog - Conservative Republicans make a huge amount of money from the "Privatized" US Prison system, so obviously they benefit from preventing community help to raise children.
Comment sent via BLOG
Mike in Seattle on the blog - Having children does not entitle anyone to free money - it entitles the child to resources it is not able to acquire itself.
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It''s our third topic now - child benefit, and the principle that with every child comes a cost - and whether governments should help with that.
Comment sent via Facebook
Kilo Koma on Facebook - As far as the media is concerned, yes the West is winning. But what about every other incident we do not hear about? I feel the overall stats are exaggerated by the media
Comment sent via Facebook
Sheiza Bob on Facebook - No! No! No! I dn't think the west win's the war against terror. They are just renewing the contract!
Comment sent via Facebook
Nadene Ghouri on Facebook - look at the row over the 911 mosque and the french burqa ban. the war on terror has left all our nations more not less divided, and those divisions equal danger ahead
Comment sent via Twitter
said it before & i'll say it again how happy i am my speakers work so i can tune into @大象传媒_WHYS :)
Comment sent via Facebook
Jiban on Facebook - Terrorism is ever-growing now, and there is no way anyone could possibly think that the world is getting safer.
Comment sent via YOURSAY
Denise in San Francisco emailed - Maybe if Europe and the United States kept its nose out of the Middle East, terrorism would abate. No country likes to be occupied or invaded. We need to stop supporting repressive regimes such as Saudi Arabia and Israel
Comment sent via BLOG
Gary in Indiana on the blog - It is a curious thought that anyone could win a war when everyone ends up with less than they started. This one isn’t being won either and it needs reinforced this conclusion applies to both sides
Comment sent via BLOG
Nigel on the blog - I'm not even sure they know who their enemies are, how they think and what the so called war means to the world outside of Europe and the US.
Comment sent via BLOG
Allison in LA on the blog - How do we determine who is winning? Does anyone feel safe now than than did 9 years ago? I know I don't.
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We''re now moving on to talk about the recent run of stories involving al Qaeda. Do they indicate that the West is winning the war against its enemies?