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Last updated at 14:35 GMT, Thursday, 24 January 2013

Etiquette for boys

Setting a table

Is this the correct way to set a table?

Learning how to behave in polite society: a new course for boys at an English school is proving popular.

Callum and Jennifer learn more about it in this week's programme.

This week's question:

According to the rules of etiquette, at a formal meal where there are three sets of cutlery which should you use first? The knife and fork furthest from your plate, the set closest to your plate or the set in the middle?

Listen out for the answer at the end of the programme.


Etiquette for boys

End of Section


a finishing school

a place where young women are taught how to behave in high society


the accepted rules for behaviour in particular situations

to come about

to happen, to begin

a ball

a formal party often held to celebrate a special event

to want a piece of something

to want to be involved with or take part in something

to go down well

to be successful and popular

to hold your head up high

to be confident and proud


To take away:


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