For more than 20 years, the Burmese government has been working to maintain ceasefire agreements with 17 major armed rebel groups, but now it is facing a fight back from one of them - why?
Ko Ko Aung, from the 大象传媒's Burmese Service, travelled to Burma to find out why Khun Thurein, with his army of just 100 men, is taking on the 400,000 strong Burmese army.
The rebel leader Colonel Khun Thurein (left), and his close aide in the car on the road to the border.
Rebel soldiers in their jungle headquarters.
A rebel soldier standing guard at their mountain headquarters.
大象传媒 Producer Ko Ko Aung at one of the Pao rebel outposts.
The rebel fighters survive on produce from the jungle by picking fruit.
Having lunch with the Pao rebel leaders.
Colonel Khun Thurein pointing out the enemy position.
Radio communication: a rebel camp high up on a mountain.
Pao village just across the border with Burma. The blue mountain in the background is Burma.
A girl from the Ban Nai Soi refugee camp picking bamboo shoots in the forest.
Taking a lunch break on the mountain side.
Daw Nam Pao, a Pao woman recounts her experiences in Burma.
A young girl combs her hair looking into a broken mirror.
Colonel Khun Thurein finally talked to the 大象传媒.
In the orchard and the farmland at the back of Khun Thurein's house.
Ma Noor (middle) and Thandar Oo (right), Colonel Khun Thurein's wife and daughter at home.
Pao girls in the village wearing their traditional dress.
Children playing in the dirty stream in the refugee camp.
Fighting for Pao culture in Burma is part of the World Stories series, which are five individual documentaries made by 大象传媒 Language Service producers about the region they come from.
First broadcast on Friday 21st August 2009.