Visitors are flocking to see the characters in an unusual menage a trois at San Francisco zoo.
First, there's Harry. He met Pepper. They lived together and started to raise a surrogate family.
Not so strange, you might think. Except Harry and Pepper are penguins. And they're both male.
All was going well - Harry and Pepper were excellent fathers and raised a chick to adulthood. But then along flapped Linda, who stole Harry's heart.
Linda has more burrows and a greater status among the penguins at the zoo. Harry couldn't resist - but Pepper is now left; alone and bereft.
Outlook's Valerie Sanderson spoke to Harrison Edell. He's the curator in charge of the birds at San Francisco zoo. Harrison says that there may be a flicker of hope for a happy ending for Pepper.
After all - there are plenty more fish in the sea.