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Can there ever be a just war for human rights?

Military intervention must be avoided. Period.

Military intervention is always a mixed blessing at best. The loss of lives, however well intentioned, is a painful process which should be avoided, period. When [Archduke Franz] Ferdinand was shot [in 1914], a long procession of treaties and alliances came into play, which, if the eventual consequences could have been foretold, would not have been enforced. We now live in a world where city scale bombs are common, and the means to stop them are few and very chancy. Given this dismal state of affairs, we should use all means other than military before risking the worsening of an already deadly situation.
Jonathan C. Allen, Massachusetts, USA
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Where's the anger at "ethnic cleansing"?

I am sorry for Mrs. Bankovic's loss, as I know everyone who reads her story is. [Mrs BanKovic lost her daughter in the NATO bombing of Serbia's television station]. I just cannot understand how she can hold NATO as guilty as the Government of Yugoslavia? Was NATO on the ground fine-tuning the art of "Ethnic Cleansing"? Where is her anger at those who were killing based on just the race/ethnicity of others? There are always going to be conflicts based upon race and religion, and there is nothing we can or should do about it. That said, however, the line must be drawn in obvious situations like this or what happened in Rwanda. The civilized Christian governments sat by on the sidelines during the Second World War and did nothing to stop, halt, or even slow down what they (America, Britain, France, Russia) knew the German government was doing. The rail lines could have been bombed, the camps themselves could have been hit. Would it have completely stopped what happened? No, it would not have. Though it could have cut the figures dramatically down. Any opportunity lost to save a life is a chance that has been squandered. We as a global community can ill afford to have this happen. We also have to be willing to lay blame.

S. Soffer Philadelphia, USA
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