29 November, 2006 - Published 16:59 GMT
One of our listeners, Israel Ambe Ayongwa from the Cameroon contacted us about his Outlook Club. The members of the club have recorded two pieces for Outlook which have gone out on air.
Having decided to discuss the club activities and the HIV/Aids pandemic in his town of Bamenda, Cameroon, Israel organised a club meeting for members to record their Outlook pieces.
He says "The rendez-vous was made for Patrick Nji Ngwa's residence at 8:30 am this morning.
I had a very rough time convincing my club members to this venue. Those present were Patrick Nji-Ngwa, our host, Patrick Fotang, Melvin Kisob, Nji Valery, Ntah William, Numfor Martin and myself.
The recording was done in two sessions with the first on the running of our club and the second on HIV-Aids prevalence in Bamenda.
It was quite an experience and inspite of the absence of a female member, I think the exercise was a success."