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Reports on compliance and regulatory matters
6 Employment and diversity
大象传媒 World Service complies with the requirements of employment legislation, including the Asylum and Immigration Act, and has a policy framework in place which aims to reflect best employment practice.
大象传媒 World Service is committed to developing a diverse workforce, with opportunities for all, irrespective of race, colour, creed, ethnic or national origin, gender, marital status, disability or age.
Proportion of ethnic minorities in the 大象传媒 World Service workforce
The composition of the workforce of 大象传媒 World Service reflects the multi-lingual nature of its broadcasting and exceeds the 大象传媒 group target of 8%. As this target has already been exceeded, the aim for the year is, as a minimum, to maintain the proportion of ethnic minorities in the 大象传媒 World Service workforce.
At 31 March
At 31
Staff working in the United Kingdom 27.4 26.8 8.0
Across the 大象传媒, ethnicity targets have recently been reviewed; now standing at 4% for senior managers and 10% for the rest of the 大象传媒, to be achieved by 2003.
Proportion of women in 大象传媒 World Service management
At 31 March
At 31
Senior executives 30.6 29.4 30
Senior managers 30.5 35.6 40
Middle management and
senior professionals
37.7 37.9 40
People with disabilities are fully and fairly considered for vacancies within 大象传媒 World Service and have equal opportunities for training, career development and promotion. The 大象传媒 has recently produced guidelines on employing disabled people. These aim to ensure not only that we meet our legal responsibilities under the Disability Discrimination Act, but also to increase the number of people with disabilities within our workforce.
大象传媒 World Service's policies and practices are in line with the Code of Practice on Age Discrimination in Employment.
Employee participation
The 大象传媒 Forum provides all 大象传媒 staff with an important platform to discuss policy and other issues with senior managers. 大象传媒 World Service has one elected member to the 大象传媒 Forum.
Management hold regular meetings with the recognised trade unions, BECTU and NUJ.
Development and Training
大象传媒 World Service invested £1.7 million in training and development during the year. Staff in all areas have opportunities to develop their skills and development initiatives tackle priority areas, such as reskilling and new ways of learning.
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