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Notes to the financial statements
3 Employees and remuneration continued
3c Management Board remuneration
Members of the Management Board who served during the year can be seen on the Management Board page. The remuneration report contains more information on the remuneration policy of the 大象传媒 for the 大象传媒 World Service Management Board.
Management Board emoluments 1,413.3 1,072.0
Employer’s pension contributions 52.2 41.6
1,465.5 1,113.6
Management Board emoluments for 2001 include those in respect of nine regional heads and professional heads from October 2000 who joined the Board on that date, increasing the Board to 17 members.
Due to the restructuring of the Management Board during the year, a redundancy payment of £191,000 was made, which is in addition to the above figures.
The highest paid member of the Management Board in the year was Mark Byford, director. The aggregate of his emoluments to 31 March 2001 was £280,000 (2000 £256,000). As a member of the 大象传媒's defined benefit scheme his total accrued pension at 31 March 2001 was £66,000 (2000 £61,000).
Comparative figures for 2000 have been restated to show emoluments with bonuses accounted for on an accruals basis. Previously bonuses were accounted for on a paid basis.
All 17 members of the Management Board have retirement benefits accruing under the 大象传媒's defined benefit scheme (2000 9 members).
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