
´óÏó´«Ã½ Writersroom Opportunities Page - Listing Requests

Do you want us to list your opportunity or event? This page provides details of the information we need and where to send it

Thank you for sending in an opportunity or event to be listed on the ´óÏó´«Ã½ Writers’s Opportunity webpage.  

Please note that our remit is scriptwriting, so in general we do not list opportunities for novel writing, short stories, poetry, job vacancies, or general media career or training opportunities etc. Also in general we do not list opportunities which are based outside the UK or that are specifically for children to enter (aged under 16).

We do not list any opportunities or events which require payment. Please confirm that your opportunity or event is free for all writers who enter and will not ask for payment from writers at any stage. We do not list opportunities where writers will not receive payment if other contributors are being paid.

If your opportunity meets these criteria then please provide the following information. This will avoid any delay in adding your opportunity to our website and in sharing it via our social media: 

  • Text copy for your opportunity written in the 3rd person (ie ‘They are looking for’ or 'XYZ Theatre Company is looking for' not ‘We are looking for’ – so it is ready for us to add to the ´óÏó´«Ã½ website).
  • Any relevant entry criteria eg age limit, geographical area etc.
  • Some bullet points of what people need to send in order to apply eg script, biography, application form.
  • A url for your website for further details, terms and conditions and contact details.
  • Details of any payment to writers if applicable. 
  • The deadline date & time.
  • An image/logo ideally in landscape and as high-resolution as you can provide, to represent your opportunity on our website.

Please email these details to bbcwriters@bbc.co.uk 

Ensure you send details far enough ahead of your deadline, as it can take several days for the opportunity to be published.

Applicable opportunities will be listed with the following disclaimer. 

Please note that these schemes are listed here for your convenience. However, they are run by external organisations and unless otherwise noted the ´óÏó´«Ã½ has no involvement with them. Therefore the ´óÏó´«Ã½ cannot respond to any queries in connection to those and accepts no liability for the accuracy of third party websites and the information contained on them.

We reserve the right to refuse to publish any opportunity.

Many thanks.

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