
Danny Brocklehurst

大象传媒 Writers interviews Danny Brocklehurst at our 2017 TV Drama Writers' Festival

He explains how he got his first TV Drama credit when he was working as a journalist. He also describes the development of hit 大象传媒 series Ordinary Lies, how he deals with setbacks and shares some advice.

大象传媒 Writersroom interviews... Danny Brocklehurst (2017)

大象传媒 Writers interviews TV writer, Danny Brocklehurst (The Driver, Exile, Shameless, Clocking Off) at our 2012 Festival

Danny talks to us about he got started as a writer, securing his first commission for  after a producer watched his debut stage play.

He talks about developing the character Tom Rondstadt (John Simm) for hit 大象传媒 One psychological drama  and the techniques he uses to drive his characters forward.

Danny shares his favourite line of dialogue from Shameless, talks about the influence Paul Abbott and Jimmy McGovern have had on his work, and tells us why it鈥檚 so important for writers to 鈥渓earn to love the treatment鈥.

大象传媒 Writers interviews...Danny Brocklehurst

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